Introduction 41
Double-edged swords can be divided into three types: wide double-edged
blades with fuller (spatha blades) (E.I.A), narrow double-edged blades with
lenticular cross section (E.I.B) and double-edged swords with ring-pommel
(E.I.C) (fig. 10). The single-edged swords (E.II) can be divided into simple single-
edged blades (E.II.A), single-edged blades with ring-pommel (E.II.B) and
single-edged blades with false edge (formerly known as protosabres) (E.II.C)
(fig. 11).178 The sabre blades are classified based on their curvature, ranging
from slightly curved (E.III.A), curved (E.III.B) to strongly curved (E.III.C)
blade (fig. 12).179 The German metrical system was used for the classification
of the seaxes (short seax = Kurzsax: E.IV.A, narrow seax = Schmalsax: E.IV.B,
broad seax = Breitsax: E.IV.C, long seax = Langsax: E.IV.D) (fig. 13).180
178 Figure 11 shows the types of single-edged blades (E.II).
179 Figure 12 shows the types of sabre blades.
180 Figure 13 shows the types of seaxes.
Figure 9 Form groups of edged weapons.