075 Cycle Touring Thailand (6)

(Leana) #1

Today was a complete nightmare. It began with what was intended to
be a simple haircut. Little did I know that it would turn into a total
disaster, leaving me with barely any hair left to attach extensions.
After that ordeal, I decided to lay low for the rest of the day.

As the sun went down, I mustered up some confidence and decided
to take a leisurely walk with my tripod in hand. To my surprise, I
found that Wat Po, the temple of the reclining Buddha, was open.
While the main temple area was closed, the grounds were still
accessible. With not a soul in sight, I had the privilege of exploring
these breath-taking temples all to myself.

I kept putting it off, and a whole week went by and I still didn’t take
my bicycle in for a service. Considering that I've covered over 8000
kilometres on the same chain and cogs, I thought it high time to have
it checked out before I continued my journey to Myanmar and then
onwards to India.

I was operating in low gear as the Myanmar visa took a few days. I
cycled to Bok-Bok Bike, left the bike in their capable hands and then
walked along Bangkok’s old klongs and canals. These ancient
waterways still exist, and although several have been filled, a few
remain. Here, I discovered people living, trading, socialising, and
doing their daily business. I squeezed past narrow doorways,

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