English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1
Talking about future events 97

Pick up can also mean to meet and give a ride to someone.

You can go with us. We’ll be glad to pick you up.

To pick up can also mean to learn easily.

I don’t think you can pick up Italian just by going to Venice on a vacation.
Of course, you will pick up a few useful phrases.

Happy medium

To reach a happy medium means to agree by accepting some parts of one argument and some
parts of the opposing argument.

His style was modern, and hers was traditional. They reached a happy medium by buying an
old house and putting in modern furniture.

A verb with the same meaning is to compromise.

The only way to keep everybody happy is to compromise.

A bunch of

A (whole) bunch of means a lot of. Alternative expressions include quite a few and a number of.

A whole bunch of friends are coming over tonight.
She has quite a few admirers.
There are still a number of tickets available.

The same old thing

The same old thing is a way to indicate that activities are routine.

What are you up to these days? Oh, you know, the same old thing—working,
taking care of the kids, going to school at

On the other hand

On the other hand is an expression that introduces an argument that is contrary to—or opposite
to—a previously mentioned argument.

Well, we could use our savings to buy the house. On the other hand, we could use the money
to visit your family in Ethiopia.


Since can mean because, usually indicating that something is convenient.

I don’t have an appointment for a haircut, but since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped by
to see if you had time for me.
I was going to go home early today, but since you’re here, I’ll do your hair.

Since can also indicate the beginning of a time period.

She’s been studying English since last September.
I’ve been waiting for you since four o’clock.
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