English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1
Making a case or arguing a point 109

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Match the words or expressions in the first column with those in the second column that
have a similar meaning. Note: There may be more than one match for each expression.

  1. keep on a. accept

  2. fall off b. accidentally drop from a higher place

  3. handle c. add your opinion

  4. be uppity d. be a snob

  5. go along with e. be creative

  6. put a name up f. be snooty

  7. put your two cents in g. be stuck-up

  8. think outside the box h. decline in volume

i. manage

j. nominate

k. not stop

l. suggest someone

m. take care of

n. touch

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Circle the word or expression that best completes the following sentences.

  1. Don’t stop now. You need to.
    a. put someone’s name up c. keep on trying
    b. top it all off d. be stuck up

  2. We need to work harder to keep our profits from.
    a. going along c. handling it
    b. falling off d. keeping on

  3. I’d like to get to know her, but she seems to be.
    a. a bit uppity c. thinking outside the box
    b. falling off d. putting her two cents in

  4. This is a big project. Do you think you can?
    a. keep on it c. fall off it
    b. top it all off d. handle it

  5. I’ve heard everybody’s opinion except yours. It’s time for you to.
    a. put your two cents in c. handle it
    b. think outside the box d. be a bit uppity

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