140 Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation
An IM is an “instant message,” designed to get the immediate attention of the person contacted.
Electronic devices give an audible signal when an IM is received.
Texting is the practice of sending written messages from one cell phone to another, using the
receiver’s telephone number.
Texters often leave out the vowels in words or make up abbreviations in order to communi-
cate faster. For example:
cd could
cls class
cn can
hv have
prnts parents
sndy Sunday
tchr teacher
wd would
Tweeting is the practice of sending written messages to the general public through a commercial
website, called twitter.com. Messages are limited to 140 characters. Important or famous people
often use this to keep their constituents, clients, or fans informed of what they are doing or
Acronyms are combinations of letters that are used as abbreviations to replace words and expres-
sions. Acronyms and other symbols are commonly used in e-mail, texting, and tweeting. They
may be in all capital (uppercase) letters, all lowercase letters, or a combination of the two. There
are really no rules!
Following is a list of commonly used acronyms and other symbols:
J, :) I’m happy.
L, :( I’m unhappy.
@ at
2nite tonight
4 for/four
411 information [traditionally a telephone number to call to get help finding a
telephone number]
4ever forever
4U for you
911 emergency; call me [traditionally the contact number for the police or fire
ABT2 about to
AKA also known as (another name for someone or something)
asamof as a matter of fact