Electronic conversation 141
ASAP as soon as possible
AWOL absent without leave (not being where one is supposed to be) [traditionally a
military expression]
AYS are you serious? (really?)
BBB boring beyond belief
B/C because
B4 before
B4N bye for now
BFF best friends forever
BTDT been there, done that (I don’t need to do it again)
BTW by the way
BYOB bring your own beer/bring your own bottle
CEO chief executive officer [traditionally used to indicate the person in charge of
a company]
DIY do it yourself
DOA dead on arrival [traditionally used by hospital emergency rooms]
DUI driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs) [traditionally used by police
DWI driving while intoxicated (by alcohol or drugs) [traditionally used by police
ETA estimated time of arrival [traditionally used in airports and train and bus
EZ easy
FAQ frequently asked questions
FF friends
FSBO for sale by owner [traditionally used in the real estate industry]
FYI for your information
GAL get a life (don’t be so boring!)
GO get out (that’s unbelievable!)
GR8 great!
HAND have a nice day
IM instant messaging
IMO in my opinion
ISO in search of (looking for)
L8R later
LOL laugh out loud (what you sent me was funny!)
LTR long-term relationship
MIA missing in action [traditionally a military term]
MYOB mind your own business
N/A not applicable [traditionally used in formal applications]
NP no problem
NTW not to worry (don’t worry!)
NW no way