142 Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation
OBO or best offer [traditionally used in “for sale” ads]
OK okay
OMG oh my God! (also spelled “omigod”)
OTC over the counter (medicine that can be purchased without a doctor’s
OTL out to lunch (not focused/lacking good judgment)
PC politically correct (avoiding the use of stereotypes or negative attacks in
PC personal computer
PDA public display of affection (kissing and hugging in public)
PDQ pretty damn quick [traditionally a military term]
PLZ please
POV point of view (opinion)
PS postscript [traditionally used after a signature in a letter to add one more
R&R rest and relaxation [traditionally a military term]
RSVP répondez s’il vous plaît (please reply to this invitation)
RUS are you serious? (really?)
SO significant other (the other person in a romantic relationship)
SOW speaking of which
SRO standing room only [traditionally used in the theater]
TBA to be advised/announced
TBD to be determined
TGIF thank goodness it’s Friday
TLC tender loving care [traditionally used for nurses]
TTYL talk to you later
TX thanks
U you
U2 you, too
UR you are
W/ with
W/O without
W8 wait
XOXO kisses and hugs [traditionally used in written letters: X = a kiss; O = a hug]
Y why
YR yeah right