English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1
Answer key 165

12·4 1. he was leaving for the beach tomorrow 2. the train always arrived on time 3. they had already
eaten lunch 4. the plane had taken off at 9:15 5. they would be here/there in about five minutes

12·5 1. if I had a shovel he could borrow 2. if he would help her with the packages 3. what movie we were
going to see 4. why he had called 5. whom she was talking to 6. how far it was 7. if he spoke
English 8. when I would come back 9. where she went to school 10. if he wanted her to help him

12·6 1. at the last minute 2. learning the ropes 3. dude, give you a ride 4. pressure

  1. at a loose end 6. how’s it going 7. babysit 8. end up

12·7 Answers will vary.

12·8 Answers will vary.

13 Electronic conversation

13·1 1. Can you come over as soon as possible? 2. Are you serious? I’m at school. Boring beyond belief.

  1. It’s over between us. Sorry. 4. Laugh out loud. You’re crazy. 5. I’m unhappy without you.

  2. Me, too. 7. See you later. 8. Oh my God. She’s out to lunch.

13·2 Ansrs wl vry. :)

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