English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1
Making requests and offers 71

Let me know if I can help you or I’ll be glad to help you are formal expressions used by
receptionists, secretaries, salesclerks, or other people whose jobs involve providing services to
the public.

The doctor will be with you shortly. In the meantime, let me know if I can help you.
Feel free to look through our merchandise, and if you see anything you like or have any
questions, I’ll be glad to help you.

Can I help you? is a way to offer assistance to a stranger in need. An alternative expression
is Let me help you.

You look lost. Can I help you?
You took quite a fall. Let me help you get up.

How can I help you? is a way to offer assistance to someone who seems to want something.
An alternative expression is What can I do for you?

I’m the doctor’s receptionist. How can I help you?
I see you’re waiting for a salesperson. What can I do for you?

Is there any way I can help you? indicates a sincere offer of help to someone you know well.
Alternative expressions are Is there anything I can do for you?/Is there anything I can do to

Mom, I know you’re not feeling well. Is there any way I can help you?
So you’re moving to your new house next week! Is there anything I can do to help?

Oh yeah

The expression oh yeah can have different meanings, depending on the intonation. In the example
conversation, with ascending intonation (from low to high), it affirms interest in what was just
said. Following is another example:

I’m leaving for San Francisco tomorrow

Oh yeah? What are you going to do there?
How long are you staying?
When oh yeah has descending intonation (from high to low), it affirms previous knowledge
of what was just said.

C’mon, let’s eat lunch. I thought you were
having lunch with Tim.

Oh yeah, I forgot
about that.

It’s ( just) that...

It’s (just) that... is an expression that precedes an explanation of something just mentioned or
questioned. It indicates that the speaker expects the hearer to understand and accept the

Why didn’t you turn your paper in
on time?

I’m sorry, professor. It’s that I had two exams
and three other papers due last week.
Another way to express this is the thing is,...

Why don’t you ever wash your dishes? The thing is, I always seem to be in a hurry
to go somewhere.
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