English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1

74 Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation

To go ahead means to continue with one’s plans.

I’m ready to leave. Then go ahead!
We’re going to see that horror movie. Go ahead. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

To go ahead and + basic verb means to encourage someone to do something he or she may
be hesitating about.

I’m not sure about this car. Go ahead and buy it. It’s a good deal.

To go ahead and do something is also a way of saying that you are going to do it right away.

Will you send me more information
about your products?

OK, I’ll go ahead and e-mail you our
I’m going to go ahead and make
the reservation for seven o’clock.

To ace means to get a very good grade with little effort.

I didn’t know he was so smart. He’s acing trigonometry.

Fancy is used to describe something elegant, possibly with intricate details.

She wore a very fancy dress with lots of ruffles and bows.
It was a fancy party. There were flowers and candles everywhere, and there was a seven-
course, sit-down dinner for more than a hundred guests.

Any chance...?
Any chance...? is used to ask informally if something is possible or true.

Any chance you have a lawn mower I could borrow?
Any chance we could get together for a cup of coffee?

How about if...?

The expression how about if...? offers a suggestion for action by one or more people.

We have a long weekend coming up. How about if we all go to the beach?
I know you don’t have enough money to buy the car. How about if I lend it to you?

I’ll get back to you
I’ll get back to you is a promise to find information for someone and contact him or her as soon
as you have it.

I don’t know how much the real estate tax on this house is, but I’ll find out and get back to
you right away.

ASAP means as soon as possible.

Call me ASAP. I have to make up my mind tonight, and I need your advice.
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