English Conversation

(Edgar Ivan RamírezkD1l98) #1
Making requests and offers 77

  1. You are in a car with several friends. You want the driver to drop you off at the next corner.

  2. A friend is giving you a ride home. You want him to turn right at the next stoplight.

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Write an appropriate question or statement offering assistance for each of the following

  1. An eight-year-old boy has just fallen off his bicycle and scraped his knee.

  2. You are at a party with your small child who will not stop crying and wants to go home.

  3. Your best friend is having a party for one hundred people at her home.

  4. Your brother didn’t get a paycheck last month.

  5. One of your coworkers seems to be having a heart attack.

  6. Your neighbor is going on vacation for two weeks.

  7. You are a sales assistant at a shoe store. A customer is looking at several pairs of shoes.

  8. You are a customer service representative at a large company. A woman has just
    approached your desk.

  9. You and your wife discover that your car has been stolen.

  10. A couple of tourists look lost.

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