Making requests and offers 79
- Are you willing to work harder?
a. I’ll work instead. c. I’ll get back on track.
b. By the way, don’t hesitate. d. I’m not on top of it. - Do you mind if I call you?
a. That’s a load off my shoulders. c. Of course not. Don’t hesitate.
b. Go over there. d. Oh yeah?
7 · 6
Write an answer for each of the following questions. Ask an English-speaking friend to check
your answers.
- What do you do if you miss a bus, train, or airplane?
- Do you miss a person or place? What does it feel like?
- What do you do if you miss a question on a test?
- What do you do if you miss a class or a day of work?
- In what games can you miss the ball?
7 · 7
Write a question or remark for each of the following answers. Ask an English-speaking friend
to check your work.
Go ahead. I don’t mind.
Don’t hesitate to call me.
That’s totally awesome.