from the uncertainties of local
cosmic measurements. And here the
disagreements begin.
“With the Planck data, we get
a Hubble constant of 68 or 67,”
says astrophysicist Jo Dunkley of
Princeton University. The discrepancy
with the distance ladder results
became glaring enough that Dunkley
wanted to make sure the Planck
researchers weren’t fooling themselves
in any way.
The task ended up falling to one
of Dunkley’s former
graduate students,
Graeme Addison,
now a cosmologist
at Johns Hopkins
University. Addison
began exploring yet
another way to reckon
the expansion of the
universe, this time by
looking at vibrations
from the Big Bang
that left an enormous
pattern of ripples etched
into the distribution of galaxies across
the universe. That pattern is visible in
the latest large-scale surveys. The size
of the cosmic ripples, when combined
with other information about the Big
Bang, yields a measurement of the
Hubble constant.
“It’s a third opinion on what’s going
on,” Addison says. That opinion
aligns with Planck’s value of 67,
“which suggests pretty strongly that
you can’t blame this discrepancy all on
the Planck data.”
Compared with old-school brawlers
like Sandage, today’s researchers
are a genial and cautious bunch.
They begin, sensibly, by considering
human error: the possibility that
somebody messed up in collecting or
analyzing the data. But that’s looking
increasingly unlikely.
“If you’d asked me three years
ago, I’d have said, ‘The distance
ladder is pretty complicated, and
there’s astrophysics that needs to
be understood.’ But my opinion on
that has changed because of the
work, mainly from Riess and his
collaborators,” Addison says. “They’ve
revisited the steps of the distance
ladder, done statistical tests, and none
of that analysis has shifted the Hubble
constant anything near the amount
you need to reconcile with Planck.”
What’s most troubling — and
exciting — is that so many lines of
evidence converge on two inconsistent
answers. The persistent gap is
forcing cosmologists to consider
that both measurements might be
correct. Perhaps the universe has
a split identity: Maybe the early
universe studied by Planck, and the
late universe studied by the Hubble
telescope, really were inconsistent, due
to some undiscovered aspect of how
the universe works.
Riess ticks off a range of
possibilities, any one of which would
qualify as a major discovery. Space
itself could have a slight curvature.
There could be an unknown type of
neutrino, a ghostly type of particle
that rarely interacts with matter. Dark
matter and dark energy could have
“funny funky” properties.
Dunkley suspects that the problems
with current scientiic understanding
may go even deeper than the kinds
of relatively minor adjustments that
Riess describes. “There’s no single
extension of the standard model of
cosmology that can explain the Planck
data and the local measurements
and this vast suite of other data,”
she says. “We’ve also got big issues
to igure out, like why is the universe
accelerating, and why did it begin
expanding in the irst place? I would
not be surprised if we’ve got a major
upheaval coming.”
The current debate may seem
smaller than the one that came before,
but it could prove large enough to
deliver a whole new universe.^ D
Corey S. Powell, a contributing
editor of Discover, also writes for the
magazine’s Out There blog. Follow him
on Twitter: @coreyspowell
We know the universe is
expanding (left), but the
conflicting numbers for
the rate could mean greater
mysteries, and surprises,
are in the future.