Generał Prezydent

(Mixtri) #1

  1. Hagiology - study of saints

  2. Hamartiology - study of sin

  3. Heliology - study of the sun

  4. Helmintology - study of worms

  5. Hematology - study of blood

  6. Heortology - study of religious feasts

  7. Heresiology - study of heresies

  8. Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians

  9. Hierology - science of sacred matters

  10. Historiology - study of history

  11. Hydrobiology - study of aquatic life

  12. Hydrology - study of water resources

  13. Iconography - study of drawing symbols

  14. Iconology - study of symbols

  15. Ideology - science of ideas

  16. Immunology - study of immunity

  17. Irenology - study of peace

  18. Kalology - study of beauty

  19. Ktenology - science of killing

  20. Lexicology - study of words and meaning

  21. Lexigraphy - art of defintion of words

  22. Linguistics - study of language

  23. Liturgiology - study of church rituals

  24. Mariology - study of Virgin Mary

  25. Mathematics - study of numbers

  26. Metaphysics - principles of nature

  27. Metaphsycology - nature of the mind

  28. Meteoritics - study of meteors

  29. Microbiology - study of microscopics

  30. Micropaleontology - micro fossil studies

  31. Mineralogy - study of minerals

  32. Musicology - study of music

  33. Mythology - study of myths

  34. Naology - study of church architecture

  35. Nephology - study of clouds

  36. Neurypnology - study of hypnotism

  37. Neutrosophy - study of origins

  38. Noology - science of intellect

  39. Nymphology - study of nymphs

  40. Oceanography - study of oceans

  41. Ombrology - study of rains

  42. Oneirology - study of dreams

  43. Onomastics - study of proper names

  44. Ontology - study of pure beings

  45. Optics - study of light

  46. Orthoepy - study of correct pronunciation

  47. Orthography - study of spelling

  48. Paleoanthropology - study of early human

  49. Paraphsycology - bizarre phenomena

  50. Pataphysics - study of imaginary solution

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