Generał Prezydent
- Patrology - study of early Christianity
- Pedagogics - study of teaching
- Phenomenology - study of phenomena
- Philology - study of ancient texts
- Philosophy - science of wisdom
- Planetology - study of planets
- Polemology - study of war
- Praxeology - study of efficient actions
- Pseudology - art of lying
- Pseudoptics - study of optical illusions
- Psychognosy - study of mentality
- Psychology - study of emotional and mental suffering
- Pyrgology - study of towers
- Rheology - study of deformation
- Scatology - study of obscene literature
- Seismology - study of earthquakes
- Semantolography - study of meanings
- Semantology - science of word meaning
- Semiotics - study of signs and symbols
- Sexology - study of sexual behavior
- Significs - science of meanings
- Sindinology - study of shroud of Turin
- Sitology - dietetics
- Sociology - study of society
- Soteriology - theological salvation
- Spectrology - study of ghosts
- Storiology - study of folk tales
- Stratography - art in leading in army
- Suicidology - study of suicide
- Symbology - study of symbols
- Synectics - processes of invention
- Systematology - study of systems
- Teratology - study of malformation
- Thanatology - study of death
- Thaumatology - study of miracles
- Theology - study of religious doctrine
- Toxicology - study of poisons
- Uranography - descriptive astronomy
- Uranology - study of the heavens
- Vexillology - study of flags
- Virology - study of virus
- Volcanology - study of volcanoes
- Zoochemistry - chemistry of animals
- Zoology - study of animals
- Zoosemiotics - animal communication
- Zootaxy - science of classifying animals.