Kuala Selangor
With a fair amount to see in Selangor, I donned my running shoes and
headed out the door, first toward the nearby small Nature Park.
Unfortunately, the area wasn’t for the fainthearted, mosquito-wise, and I had
to step up the pace a tad and make my way out of the park with swarms of
eager mosquitos in hot pursuit.
Once outside the park, I dragged my then weary body up Bukit Malawati, a
small hill where once stood a fort, captured by the Dutch in 1867 and
recaptured by the Sultan in 1873. The only remains were part of a retaining
wall, a few cannons, a poisoned well, a 200-year-old Angsana tree, and a
bedrock believed to be used for beheading traitors but highly likely utilised by
the Sultan as a lookout over his stronghold.
Although the outing was more sightseeing than running, it remained