Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1




Marking Time


Officers' table
allowances (4)

B Auxiliaries
1262 ) Bandsmen
Infirmary 1.2%

3.2%\ 6 ..• 6 •. w ....... (158)

Officers' table
allowances (5)

:: ~ :.:·:, >



Fig. 2. Distribution of Regimental Funds (Pay etc.) according to^1840 establishment
tables. A. Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment. B. Line Infantry Regiment.

made in lieu of the meat and liquor ration in order to give the men an incentive
to provide for themselves.^83
Booty was often a valuable source of foodstuffs, especially in the remote
Persian and Balkan theatres. In the latter case a levy of supplies 'produced a
general outcry' among the inhabitants, and during the Polish campaign efforts
to requisition food met with such strong local opposition that little was
secured.8^4 In the brief Hungarian campaign supply arrangements worked
better: some produce was received from the Austrians and the bulk of the
army's needs were met either from magazines set up close to the frontier or by
requisitioning at fixed rates.^85 This was the first time that rail transport was
used to feed the troops. In less developed territories such as the Danubian prin-
cipalities, where the Russian army again found itself in 1853, there was little to
requisition, the men went short, and private contractors had to be brought
in.^86 This procedure meant that results were unpredictable and that oppor-
tunities for corruption multiplied. The abuses reached scandalous proportions
during the Crimean War. One. entrepreneur who contracted to provide I0,000
puds of beef bouillon delivered less than one-tenth of that amount and was
later put on trial. 87
8~ K. L. N., 'Vosp. o dunayskoy kampanii', p. 183; Lenovsky, loc. cit.; Tanski, Tableau,
p. 209.
84 Kjselev to Zakrevsky, 5 Oct. 1828, in 'Pis"ma', S/R/O 78 (1891), p. 161; Maksheyev,
Voyenno-admin. ustroystvo, pp. 48-50; cf. V. Aratovsky, 'Rasporyazheniya po prodovol' stviyu
deystvuyusbchey armii v 1848 g.', vs 82 (1871), 12, pp. 88-91, 113-16, 124-5.
8~ Maksheyev, Voyenno-admin. ustroystvo, p. 51.
86 Neizvestnyy, 'Za mnogo let', p. 118.
87 Zatler, Opisaniye rasporyazheniy, i. 105-6.

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