Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1


Occasionally with sub-entries in this index logic is preferred to strict alphabetical order.

administration, mili1ary: (before 171)()) 14,
31 f., 34-6, 39, 42 f., 51, 77, R4; ( 1700-251
105f., 110, 123, 130, 137; tl725-96) 144,
151-5, 158-61, 164, 169, 176, 178, IRH.,
209, 222-4; (1796-1825) 161, 187f., 195,
199, 203, 224 r.. 242 f.. 245 r.. 256, 259 f..
262f.; (1825-55) 302-7, 325, 341; (1855-74)
354 r.. 374
Admiralty 123, I JO, 357
Adrianople, treaty of 277
age, soldiers' 82, 149, 152, 153 f., .129
agriculture 44f., 84f., 140, 177, 182f.; and
military set1lers 277, 279, 285, 288 f., 304 f.;
see also estates
aides-de-camp (jlige/"-ad"y111a11ty) 302, :115,
323, 329
Akhtyrka 114
alcoholic beverages 182 r., 208n.; exc('sscs
I 78n., 226, 238, 243, 252, 343, 368; issued to
troops IK6, 337
Aleksandrov, V.A. 150
Alekseyev, I. 114
Aleksopol" inrantry re~iment 372
Alexander I, Emperor: accession of 249 f.; and
Arakcheycv 257, 292 f., 29R; and awards I 811,
239 f., 336; and deserters 224 f.; and govern-
ment 256, 307, 312; and ideology 161, 206;
and medical services 194; and military
administration 188, 262; and military law
172 f., 224, 298; and 111ili1ary se11lers 7, 84,
275, 281, 286; and officers 182, 239 f., 2511;
and opposi1ion 258, 260, 262 f., 271, 2%; and
recruits 145, 154, 160f.; and serfs 28.l; and
soldiers 162 f., 177, 180, 186, 199, 336; and
supply 188; death of 267; image of 213, 245
Alexander II, Emperor 351 f., 357, 364. 366,
Alexis Mikhaylovich, Tsar 20, 40, 41 n., 64,
68, 71, 76, 82, 96
Alexis Petrovich, Tsarevich 95 f., 120
Algarolli, Count F. 175, 110, 207
Alma, battle of the river 340
amnesties 83, 116
Aroosov, M. 82
Andrusovo, treaty of 40
Anhalt; F. von (fon-Angal"t, F. Ye.) 243
Anichkov, V. M. 358, 360
Anna lvanovna, Empress 241
Anoychenko, F. N. JOU
Antonovsky, A. I. 208, 220, 253

apanage prin<·es, principalities 21, 24, 28, 56, 77
Apothecaries' (Aptekarskyl chancellery 39
Apraksin, S. F. 215
Apsheron infantry regiment 368
Arnkcheyev, A.A. 165, 214, 227, 245, 257,
260; and military law 168, 173, 297f.; and
military sct1lers 7, 203 f., 275, 282-6, 290-J,
Arburnv, A. I'. 268
Archangel (Arkhangcl"sk) !UR, 120, 136
Arkharov, N. I'. 310
armed forces, Russian: cost of 54, 89-92, 132-
40, 282, 335, 353 f., 374, 379; strength of 9,
87-9, 135-8, 145, 250, 286, 326, 354
artillery, artillerymen: (lo 1700, naryad, push·
kari) 23, 56, 60, 75-7; (1700-• artilleriya,
ortillC'riytsy) 136 f., 177, 180 f., 300, 306,
354, 3711; Academy 360; Department 76f.;
Office 76 f.; officers 121 f., 237; Mounted
IROn.; 8th Artillery Brigade 266
Arsen"yev, Cadet 251
ancls 157, 178f., 183, 185, 238, 257, 288, 336,
Ar1amas 39
assign111e111 t verstan ye) to militia 32, 42 f.
Astrakhan· 78, IOI, 329, 348; province 311;
Dragoon regiment 240; Grenadier regiment
auditors 166, 240; Auditor-General's Office
172, 367
Austerlitz, ha11le of 195, 250
Austria, A11s1rians: armed forces 181, 277,
294; innuence on Russian armed forces 225,
297, .137, 349f.; observers in Russia 13, 71,
100, I03, 116, 189; Russian troops in 220,
251, 254; 2411, 250, 324, 349; see also Hungary
A1.ov 72, 99, IOI, 104, 109, 117n.
llaldu in, N. I. 375
Balkans 6, .H 5; Russians troops in 193, 221,
3tl4, 337; SC'C' also L>anubian principalities
Bahk provinces: annexation of 6, 96; edu-
cation in 201, 369; government of 313;
inlluence 011 Russia 240f., 243; observers in
Ru~sia 155, 344; officers, officials 249, 284,
292, 349, 354, 355; privileges of 148; Russian
1roops in 222n., 237; supply 148; see alrn
Latvians, Livonia
Baratinsky, I. A. 239
Barclay de Tolly, M. 11. 219, 284
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