Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1
420 Index

barracks, see quarters
Barvinsky, Captain 297
Baryatinsky, A. I. 356
Baryatinsky, D. V. 49n.
Basenok, F. 28n.
Bashkirs 77
Haskakm, A. 59
Bauer, F.W. 242
Baumgart, W. 352, 353
Belev 18, 20
Belgorod 19f., 39, 43, 66, 74, IOI; line 20, 51;
regiment 36, 52; military zone 36, 50, 85,
89, 276
Belikov, T. I. 216n.
Bender 212
Benkendorf, A. Kh. 259
Bennigsen, L. L. 250, 313
Berg, F. F. 363
Beskrovnyy, L. G. 8, 107, 306
Bessarabia 6, 265n., 331
Bestuzhev, A. 270
Bestuzhev, I. V. 326n.
Bestuzhev family 260
Bestuzhev-Ryumin, M. R. 266
Beyrau, D. 353
Bezobrazov, T. 49n., 59
Bidloo, N. I 17n.
Birkin, I. V. 59
Bismar(c)k, Count F. W. von 329, 336, 346
Blagovo, A. A. 237
Bliokh, I. S. 354
Bobrovsky, P. 0. 39n., 106n., 114, 165n., 370
Bogdanovich, M. I. 365
Bokhin, P. 70
Bolkhov 74
Bolotov. A. T. 215f.
booty, looting 16, 29, 34, 38 f., 75, 78, 179,
218-21, 337f.
Borisov, A. I. 266 f.
Borisov, P. I. 266 f.
Borodino, baule of 161, I 80n., 262
Bradke, E. F. von 292
branding of recruits I 07, 157
Bram, P. 371 n.
Brienne-le-Chateau 220 f.
Brius (Bruce), Ya. A. 310
Brown, P. 54n.
Bruce, W. 83
Bryansk 34, 50, 59, 64
Bug (southern), river 279, 286, 291, 296 f.,
305; Bug Ulans 333
Buganov, V. I. 8, 99n.
Bulavin, K., revolt of lO I
Bunsev, I. G. 262n., 265
Buturlin, F. L. 25
Buturlin, I. I. 98
Butyrki 81; Butyrsky regiment 81, 127
Byzantine Empire I, 14, 21. 54

cadet corps and elite schools: Artillery (later
Academy) 243; Column-Leaders' 251, 257,
258n.; Engineers' (later Academy) 243;
Guards Sub-Ensigns' 346; Kaluga 347;
Konstantinovsky 360, 362; Moscow 360;
Nobles' Land (later First) 202, 242 f., 360;
Page 25!, 262, 349; P:1vlnvsky 349: Tambov
251; Tula 251; yunker schools 344, 371
cantonists, see children (soldiers')
castes, military 7, 60, 65, 200, 283, 291
casualties 83, 105, 114, 193, 195-7, 233, 253,
324, 3~5, 339-41; see also health (soldiers')
Catherine I, Empress 95
Catherine II, Empress: accession of 241; and
Cossacks 297; and deserters 222, 224; and
education 232; and government 145, 148,
206, 278, 309-11; and Imperial expansion 6,
232, 281; and military administration 145,
162, 187 245 f., 249; and military law 164,
169, 171 f.; and officers 163, 234, 238, 242;
and recruits 145, 147, 153-5, 159f.; and
service state 143, 232; and soldiers 181 f.,
186, 237; and soldiers' children 202 f.; and
uniforms 189; and veterans 198; image of
Caucasus, Caucasian: Corps (later Army) 260,
342 f., 356; defence lines 20 (see also Kuban');
government of 313, 356; military settlers
in 305; natives in Russian army 77; penal
transfer to 300, 331; Russian troops in 189,
199, 208, 224 f.. 336, 339 f., 343, 368, 374;
War218, 324, 356; 6, 276
cavalrymen: (lo 1700, reytary) 81, 84, 86;
(1700-, kavaleriytsy) 104, 108, 135, 163,
180-3, 190, 204, 285 f., 370, 375n.; officers
239, 349; see also chasseurs, hussars, lancers,
ulans, and individual regiments
censorship, military 357 f.
censuses (perepisi) 40, 43, 82, 105, 132, 139;
revizii 133
chancelleries (prika:zy) 21, 25, 27, 34n., 35;
clerks (pod'yachiye) in 36, 45
Chancellor, R. 21, 38, 57, 87, 207
Charles XII, King 95, 97, 109, 119
'charter of liberties' ( 1762) 2, 233
chasseurs (yeget:_v) I 78n., 182; Guards 264,
349; 2nd regiment 207; 17th regiment 208;
26th regiment 186, 253
Chembar 226
Chernigov 111; province 311; regiment 265 f.,
Chernov, A.V. 61n., 89
Chernoy, I. 223
Chernyshev, A. I. 305
Chernyshev, Z. G. 164, 169, 310
Chernyshevsk y, N. G. 357 f., 360
Chicherin, A. V. 219, 220, 253 f.
chiefs (shefy) of regiments 245 f.
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