Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1
Index 421

children, soldiers' (soldatskiye de11. voyennye
kantonisty) 160, 163, 199f., 201-4, 282,
286, 291, 301, 330, 332f .. 345; see also
Chirikov, L. 112
Chokhov, A. 75
CliuU.uovo, bauie of 5 i
Chuguyev 168, 227, 285, 297, 305 f.
civil service 123f., 127, 198, 233, 235, 307-13,
315-20, 345
clans (rody), kinship 25, 28, 40, 46. 58. 128,
232, 236, 251, 257 f., 260; see also place-
clergy 46, 107, 147, 152, 204f., 240, 281, 305
commandants (komendanty) 130, 312
commanders, governors ( voyevody, voivodcs)
19, 21, 23, 31, 36f., 39, 41, 54, 63, 74, 91,
130, 134, 146, 308 f.
commissariat, see Supply Department
commissars (komissary) 130, 133 f.
commissions, military 181, 189, 246, 351 f.,
354, 365, 375
Committee of Russian Officers in Poland 361
commune, peasant (obshchina) 148-52, 197 f.,
202, 332
commutation (recruit levy) 103, 105 f., 152
compensation entitlement officials (okladchikt)
31, 32, 131
conscription 147, 149, 269, 357, 364, 374-8
Constantine Nikolayevich, Grand Duke 357
Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke 211 n ..
214, 267, 299
corps 205, 258, 354-7, 359
correctional companies 366 f.
corruption: (to 1700) 31 f., 66; ( 1700-) 130;
347, 380; and medical services 195, 339; and
military settlers 293; and recruits 149 f.,
328f.; and soldiers' employment 110, 175,
176f., 245; and supply 188, 337, 341, 355;
struggle against 245, 270, 299, 358
Cossacks (kazak1) 5, 8, 16, 18, 78, 148, 213,
216-19, 227, 278, 304, 308n., 354f.; serving
(sluzhiliye, gorodovye) 48, 60, 73-6, 79, 89;
Bug 279, 286, 297; Dnieper 20, 73-5, 77,
88, 109, 276; Don 20, 73-5, IOI, 225, 276,
297f.; Siberia 73, 314; Volga 73
Council of Ministers 291
court (dvor). ruler's military household 20 f.,
23f., 124, 235, 315, 375n.
courts martial ( voyennye sudy) 115, 166 f.,
223f., 299, 302, 313, 348, 363, 366, 367f.
Crimea (1783-), see Tavrida province
Crimean campaigns of 1680s 39, 51 f., 71
Crimean Tatars, see Tatars
Crimea.n War 6, 9, 39, 220, 275, 324-7, 331 f.,
336, H7f., 340 f., 350; domestic erfects of
306, 320, 345, 353
crimes 167, 171; war crimes 214-18

Crummey, R. 0. 23 f., 25, 37n., 41
Curtiss, J. S. 330, 332n.
D~browski, J. 359, 36lf., 363
Daliel, T. 83
Danilov, N. A. I 12n.
Danilov, P. F. 302
Dannenberg, P. A. 375
Danube, river 212; Danubian principalities
211, 217, 225, 254, 324, 337, 343
David, G. 71
Davydov, L. 58
Davydov, V. L. 265
Dccembrist insurrection ( 1825) 7, 173, 213,
231 f., 257-72, 323, 342, 363 f.; and soldiers
267, 269, 299 f., 342, 349
dclation 120 f., 246, 262, 300, 342
Dclpono (Del"pomso), I. P. 218
Denisov. A. K. 208, 237
Denmark 78, 124
Depreradovich, L(? ). I. 249
Depreradovich, N. N. 260
desertion, absenteeism: abroad 59, 115 f., 147,
349 f.; by musketeers 66; by privileged servi-
tors 52, 63, 120f., 246, 277; by recruits 107,
114, 158 f.; by soldiers 83f., 114-16, 192,
222-5, 246, 348f.; repression of 167, 168n.,
314; 151, 363
detention companies (arestantskiye roty) 314,
365, 366
Devlet-girey, Khan 18
Dibich (von Diebitsch), I. I. 284, 289
districts (uyezdy) 36, 131, 308 f.; military,
17th c. (razryady) 36, 50, 59, 357; 19th c.
(okru11al 356
divisions 180, 222, 279, 297, 349, 361
Dmitriyev, Colonel 226
Dniester, river 211, 279
Dolgorukiy, Ya. F. 112
Dolgorukiy, Yu. A. 52, 67, 68, 69
Dolgorukov, V. M. 310
donors (otdatchiki) of recruits IOH., 105, 108,
112, 116, 139. 144, 146, 149-52, 159, 326,
Dorogobuzh 222
Dostoyevsky, F. M. 349
Dragomirov, M. I. 360
dragoons (dra1111ny) 81, 85, 109, 119, 181 f.,
278, 314
drill: by cantonists 291; by military settlers 84,
202, 287, 333; by musketeers 62; by pris-
oners 366; by recruits 158; by soldiers 97,

  1. 164 r., 256, 323; by students 346; excesses
    criticized 315, 354: rewards for 180, 336
    Druzhinina, E. I. 281
    Dubrovin, N. F. 169
    Durfy, C:. 181n., 248n.
    Duke of Mecklenburg Grenadier regiment 301

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