Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

422 Index
Dukhobors 297. 331
Duma, Boyarskaya 21. 27, 41. 49, 54
Duiasvv, A. Z. 247
D"yakov. V. A. 359n.
Eaton, H. L. 88
education: of officers (18th c.) 118, 120, 232,
242 f.. 249 ( 1801-55) 251 r.. 258, 261, 307.
309, 315, 326, 344 f., 346 r. ( 1855-74) 354,
358-61, 364, 371, 380; of soldiers 256, 284,
356 f.; of soldiers' children 200, 201-4, 291,
:!33; see aim cadet corps, intelligentsia
Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress 181, 216n., 239,
Emperor of Austria regiment 297
Engel', I. 208 r., 215
Engel'gardt, L. N. 216n., 236
engineers 180f., 234, 286, 349, 370; Academy
Enlightenment 158, 185, 193, 243, 247, 253
Essen, P. K. 239
Essen 247
establishment (staff) tables (shtaly) 111, 130,
136, 286,323,326
estates: patrimonial, owners of (votchinniki) 44,
46 f.; service, holders of (pomeshchiki) 14,
29, 44-7, 289; distinction abolished (1714)
123; landlords after 1714 143, 187, 219,
238 f., 278, 284, 313, 326 f.; see also donors
examinations 344, 371
exercises, manoeuvres 98, 164, 324
exile, see penalties
Eyler (Euler>. A. A. 302

Fabra, I. 87
families: of military settlers 290, 304; of peas-
ants 149, 191; of privileged servitors 46 (see
also clans); of recruits 146, 148, 151, 155f.;
of soldiers 85, 144, 198 f., 332, 355, 377; see
also children (soldiers')
Far Eastern provinces 355
farmers (khozyayeva), see settlers (military)
farming soldiers ( pakholnye soldaty) 303 f., 306
Fedorov, D. V. 333
Fedosov, I. A. 350n.
Ferguson. A. D. 276n., 294
Fermor, V. V. 215
Fieravanti, A. 76
Filaret Romanov, Patriarch 19, 81
finance 90, 111, 135-40, 258, 294 f.. 336, 353,
370, 374, 379; Shtats-kontoro Ll6; treasury
offices in provinces (ko:r;ennye palaty) 146,
149; see also taxation
Finkelstein, B. 330 f.
Finland 6, 194, 222, 252, 327; finlyandsky
guards regiment 264, 268
Fisher, A.W. 15n.

Fletcher, G. 13, 18, 41, 61, 87
Fon-Vizin, M. A. 252, 258, 260
ioofl: olllcers' 237 f., 278; privileged servitors'
38; recruits' 108, 112,^0 '157 r., 161, 331;
soldiers' 38, 113, 178f., 180f., 183, 185f.,
188, 336-8, 372f..
Foreigners' (lnozemsky) chanqell~y 82
foreigners in Russian armed forces ·JS I; begin-
nings 75 f.; doctors 39, 193; officers in new-
model forces 53, 71, 77, 80f., 84, 85f., 96;
officers in regular army 104, 118f., 181,
225, 240-3, 277 f.; presence resented 240-2,
247, 257.
fortified defence lines 16-20; 43, 50, 57, 170,
224, 277, 278
France, French 6, 221; 225, 294, 324; armed
forces 175, 357, 370; influence in Russia 97;
observers in Russia 21, 15', 157, 290, 326n.,
332; Russians in (1813-18) 165, 173, 188,
220 r., 254-6, 299, 314; soldiers and 212,
214 f.; see also Crimean War, Napoleonic
Francis (Franz) I, Emperor 225
Fraustadt, battle of IOI
Frederick II, King 164, 240, 245
freemasons 231, 258
Free Russian Society for Propagation of
Sciences 252
Friedland, battle of 195

Gabbe, P. A. 264
Galen, N. von 83
Gandzherin 213
garrison forces 111 f., 136f., 177, 180f., 195,
198, 201, 277, 308, 343
Gatchina 170, 203, 239, 24S, 257, 314
gauntlet (shpitsruten), running the 108, 166-8,
172 f., 223f., 292, 296, 298-300; restriction
and abolition of 256, 365 f.
Gedrymowicz, Captain 368 __
gendarmes (l.handarmy), gendarmerie 259,
314, 342
General Staff 242, 245, 252, 258; (Nicholas)
Academy of 345 f., 358-61, 363
gentry, see servitors (privileged)
Georgia, see Transcaucasia
Gerasimov, D. 87
German states, Germany 262, 269; and Rus-
sian armed forces S, 80f., 96, 190, .241 f.,
247, 349; observers in Russia 102, 177, 207f.;
Russian troops in 113, II S, 118, 254, 256;
see also Baltic provinces, forei111ers, and
individual states
Gladilov, I. I. 209n.
Glebov, A. I. 187
Glinka, F. N. 205, 207, 243f., 253, 254, 258
Glinka, S. N. 168 f., 206f., 208, 211, 243
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