Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

Index 423
Godunov, Tsar Boris 42, 77
Gogol', N. V. 3!7n.
liohkova, N. H. IUln.
Golitsyn, A. M. 310
Golitsyn, V. V. 54, 67, 71, 79
Golitsyn family 26
Golovin, F. A. 104
Golovin, Ye. A.^173
Golovnin, A. V. 353n.
Gorbachevsky, I. I. 266n., 267
Oorchakov, D. P.(?)^313
Gordeyev, Private 168
government, central: before 1700, see chan-
celleries; 18th c. (colleges) 127; 19th c.
(ministries) 315 r.; see also civil ~ervice, and
individual bureaux
government, local, see commanders, governors
government, military role in: (before 1700) 3f.,
21, 36, 41, 51, 54; increased ( 1700-25) 129-
40; reduced (1725-) 143, 146, 190, 307f.;
(1775-) 197, 275, 320; restored (1796-)
197, 275, 311-15; situation in 1853 315-19;
trends in administration of military settle-
ments 291, 303, 306 f.; trends in newly settled
regions 276, 279, 281; see also commanders,
governors (military)
governors (gubernatory) 108, 120, 129, 134,
146, 310, 328; military (voyennye guber-
natory) 239, 248, 311 f., 315, 356; gover-
nors-general (namestniki) 309, 310, 311;
military (voyennye general-gubernatory) 313,
Great Britain 97. 324, 340; England 21, 38,
95, 113, 156; Scotlal)d 81.
Gt-eat Northern War 9S, 91, 10·1, 102f., 104f.,
i 12, 129, 137
'Great Reforms' 352, 379
grenadiers 168, !Sin., 189, 210, 237, 354, 369;
regiments: Arakcheyev 285; Duke of Meck-
lenburg 301; Mounted 162, 349; St. Peters-
burg 168; 1st 264, 268; 2nd 152
Gribovsky, M. K.^262
Griboyedov, S. 68
Grigor'yev, N. P. 349
Grodno 108, 195; province 313,^348
Gruzino 282f., 285
guards (leyb-gvardiya), guardsmen (gvardeytsy):
beginnings of 98; and government under
Peter I 96, 130, 132, 134, 315; pay of 121,
180-2, 237; privileges of 122, 235, 261, 333,
358, 380; size and cost of 137f.; soldiers'
image of 213f.; Guards (and Grenadier)
Corps 258, 263, 323f., 354, 357, 369
guba authorities 41, 84
Gubarev, B. S. 39
Gukovsky, G.^171
Gur'yev, Major-General(?) 162
Gusev, A. 350

Habsburg Empire, see Austria
hair 296; soldiers' 156, 189, 331, 366
HamDurg .l54
Haxthausen, Freiherr A. von 332, 340n.
health, soldiers' 144, 170, 185, 192, 290, 301,
332, 338 f., 373; see also casualties, medical
Helen (Yelena Pavlovna), Grand Duchess 352
Hellie, R. 28n., 30n., 48n.,^58 r., 65, 88, 89,^90
Heraldmaster's Office (Gerol 'diya) 123
Herberstein, Freiherr S. von JJ, 15, 28 f., 38, 42
Herzen (Gertsen), A. I. 330, 359,^364
Hoffmann, Captain^246
Holstein 63, 241, 245
'Holy Artel' 257
Horse Guards regiment 213, 248 f.,^264
Horsey, Sir J. 78, 87
hospitals, see medical services
Hungary 37; Russian troops in (1849) 6, 324,
337, 349f.
Hupel, A.W. von 151, 155, 175f., 179, 18ln.,
186, 199
hussars (gusary) 163, 180-2, 208, 218, 278,
313; Black 279; 43rd regiment^188

infantrymen: (to 1700) (pishcha/'niki) 60f.
(soldaty) 50, 74, 81, 83f., 86, 104; (1700-
1874, pekhotintsy) 104, 108, 135-8, 181-3,
278, 286, 324, 370; see also dragoons, grena-
diers, musketeers, and individual regiments
lngermanlyandsky regiment 127
lnsar 226
inspections (smorry), musters (sbory) 31, 32,
120, 123, 165, 245, 334; inspectors, inspect-
orate 176, 178, 188, 323, 339, 343
intelligentsia, military: defined 244; develop-
ment of 232 f., 240-2, 247-9, 252-7, 261,
342, 358-64, 380
Interior, Ministry of the 195, 317
Internal Guard ( Vnutrennyaya stra:i:.ha) 224,
262, 3 I 3f., 335, 355
invalid companies, see veterans
invalid homes 198, 335
investigators (syshchik1) 48, 224
loakhim, Patriarch 54
Irkutsk 168
Italy 76, 87, 269
Ivan Ill, Grand Prince 15, 21, 24, 28n., 29, 46,
76f., 96
Ivan IV, Grand Prince and Tsar 4, 16, 18, 21,
23, 26, 29, 46, 55, 60f., 62, 75-7, 80, 96 r.
Ivan V, Tsar 68, 69
Ivanov, F. 148
lvashev, P. N. 260n.
lvashev, V. P. 260
lzmail, battle of 217
lzmaylov, M. M. 224
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