Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1
Index 425

leave (furlough) 40, 161-3, 236; indefinite 327,
334, 354
Lebedev, A. 156
LeDonne, J. P. 308n., 310
Lefort, F. 96, 99, 100
Leipzig, battle of 161, 196, 208, 215, 220n.
Lenin, V. I. 263
Leshchin 266
Lesly, A. 81
Levashev, Captain^108
levies, see recruits
liberalism 209, 231, 257L, 317, 323, 325, 342,
lieu1enan1s, Grand Prince's (namestniki) 28,
29, 36, 54
Linasevich, Lieutenant-General 285
Lincoln, W. B. 260
Lithuania 238, 263, 340, 360f.; Grand Duchy
of 26, 35 (see also Poland); Lithuanian
(Litovsky) guards regimen! 262, 264, 348;
Ulans 222n.
Livonian: Order 6, 18; War (1558-81) 18, 20,
30, 38, 47, 57, 61, 77f.
looting, see booty
Lowenstcm, V. I. 164, 215, 237n.
Lubyatinsky, P. F. 39
Loders, A. 362
L'vov, A. M. 47
L'vov, F. N. 349
Mahme1-girey, Khan 16
Makarov, I. 168, 210
Manstein, C. H. von 193

. -. __ marches 108,^157 f., 185, .!. 88,^33 I,^374
Margeret, J. 21, 33, 61n., ·78,^87
Maria Fedorovna, Empress 315
Marmon!, A. F. L. V ., Duke of Ragusa^305
Manos, A. N. 234f., 239
Maslovsky, D. F. 159
Masson, C.-F.-P. 208
Matveyev, A. S. 68, 69
Mayboroda, A. I. 262
Mayevsky, S. I. 247, 255
Mazeppa (Mazepa), I. S., Hetman^109
medals 41, 171, 180,^239
medical services and. personnel: and corporal
punishment 173; and military settlers 290;
and recruits I 54, 158; and soldiers^39 f.,
I 16f., 122, 175, 192-6, 338-41,^373 f.;
nurses 198, 341
Medical Surgical Academies: St. Petersburg
339, 373; Warsaw^361 ·
Menshikov, A. D. 114, 125, 126f., 129,^283
mercenaries 81, 160,^175
merchants, see townspeople
Meshchersky, P. S.^312
mestnichestvo, see place-seeking

Michael Fedorovich, Tsar 19, 41n .• 80,^91
Michael Pavlovich, Grand Duke 264,^347
Michelson, I. I. ll I
Mikhaylov, F.^296
militarism 4 f., 285, 323, 347
Military Academy, see General Staff
Military Education Committee^358
militias: medieval and early modem 56f.;
Muscovite, see servitors (privileged); 18th-c.
Russian, see land-militia; I 9th-c. Russian
(pre-reform era 1806-7, 1812-13, 1854-6) 8,
222n.,^226 f., 326n., 350, 353f. (post-reform
era) 376f.; universal 358,^379
Miller, F. A. 354, 370, 37ln.
Miller, I. S. 359n.
Miloradovich, M. A.^253
Miloslavsky family 68, 69
Milyukov, P. N. 88n., 89n., 135n., 138f.
Milyutin, D. A.: early career 345, 346, 352f.,
356; as War Minister 356-8, 362, 364-6,
368-71, 373; reform of military service 364,
Minayev, I. M. 154, 157,^163
Mironov, B. N. 182
Mfoda Polska^348
Mogilev province 285, 292, 304,^311
Moldavia and Wallachia, see Danubian princi-
Mombelli, N. A. 3, 332, 348f.
monarchism 212-14, 249, 254, 271, 301 f.,
347, 357
monasteries 71, 100, I 17n., 380; and veterans
197 f.
Monastyrev, I. 65
Mordvinov, N. S.^282
Morozov, B. I. 44,^64
Morskoy sbornik 357
Moscow: barracks 190; district of 47, 49; execu-
tions in 110 f.; guards regiment 264, 268,
349; hospital, invalid home I 17n., 193, 335;
Kremlin 21, 75, 80, 102; military role in
government of 310,^311 , 313; nobles in I 06,
120 (see also servitors (privileged): metro-
politan nobles); parades in 120; recruits
from 327, 332; riots in, see mutinies; secret
societies in 263, 265,^361 f.; troops in 61,
107 f., 224, 238, 252, 258, 374; 65th infantry
regiment 368; 64, 71, 255,^260
Moskalev, F. 168
Mosolov, S. I. 225, 247n.
Mstislavsky, I. F. 26
MOiier, J.-8. 107
Mllnnich, B. C. von (Minikh, Kh. A.) 155,
158f., 169, 175f., 180, 241,^243
Murav'yev, A. N. 257f.
Murav'yev, M. N. the Elder^257
Murav'yev, M. N. the Younger^257 f.,^263
Murav'yev, Nikita M. 254, 258, 262n., 263, 270
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