Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

426 Index
Murav'yev, Nikolay N. the Elder 257
Murav·yev, Nikolay N. the Younger (Mur-
av"yev-Karsky) 165, 220f.. 257. 331
Murav"yev-Apostol, S. I. 265, 266 f., 269
Murav"yev family 260n.
Murom 21
Muromtsev, M. M. 252
musketeers, 16th-I 7th cc. (stre/"tsy) 22, 50,
60-72, 73f., 76, 85, 98-102; dissidence among
60, f>4-72, 99 f., 226, 284, 302; elite units 61,
67, 70, 88f., 90, 98; strength of 61, 65, 87f.;
18th-19th cc. (Imperial infantrymen) 178,
198, 223
Muslim peoples 6, 77, 79, 147, 155, 214, 217
musters, see inspections
mutinies and military-related disturbances 116,
200, 231. 269, 284, 296, 299 f., 334; ( 1546) 61;
( 1636) 64; ( 1648) 52, 64, 69, 87; (1662) 65,
69, 83f., 87; ( 1670) 66, 87; ( 1682) 67-70,
IOI, 110; (1698) 99f.; (1706) IOI f.; (1812)
226; (1817-21) 296f. (see also Semenovsky
regiment); (1825) see Decembrists; (1829)
300; (1831) 300-2; (1854-5) 352f.; (1863)
362 f.; see also Cossacks
Myshlayevsky, A. Z. 106, 114
Nagayev, K. 65
namestniki, see lieutenants, governors-general
Napoleon I, Emperor 190, 205, 206, 248, 251,
Napoleonic Wars 145, lSJ, 173, 188, 195, 214,
215, 220f., 233, 248, 250, 255, 275, 312, 324;
see also War of 1812
Narva 109; battle of 105, 112; infantry regi-
ment 219
Naryshkin, L. A. 235
Naryshkin family 68, 72, 104
Nashchokin, G. 39
Nassau-Zingen, Prince of 171
National Central Committee (Poland) 361-3
nationalism 205, 214 f., 221, 232, 241 f., 244,
252f., 257, 317, 323f., 349, 378f.; 'official'
320, 346 r.
navy 95, 110, 124, 137, 282, 326n.
Nazarov, P. 156, 196, 204
Nazimov, V. I. 361 f.
Nechkina, M. V. 266n.
Netherlands 97; Dutch in Russia 86
Neuville, F. de la 72n.
new-model forces (polki novogo stroya) 23,
35, 50, 63, 74, 80-7, 89; dissidence among
65, 82f.; elite units 81, 98; privileged servi-
tors in 30n., 41, 51, 85-7; strength of 89
New Russia (Novorossiya) 148, 194, 225, 276,
278 f.; see also Tavrida province
Nicholas I, Emperor: accession of 21 H.,
267f.; and armed forces 231, 314f., 342;
and awards 239, 336; and government 315,

355; and ideology 206, 346f.; and inter-
vention in Hungary 349; and medical services
l lR~ u~ct miH!!!ry administration 326, 346;
and military education 240, 344; and military
law 326, 365 f., 368; and militMy settlers 287,
302f.; and officers 239, 249; an'tt police 314;
and political control of army 27"-300, 317,
349; and reform of recruitment^1 3~8, 330 f.,
334, 353; and soldiers 325, 336; as unit chief
264; character and reign of 3, 4, 272, 312,
325, 341; image of 214, 347; military oppo-
sition to 3, 342, 345-50
Nikitenko, A. V. 325·
Nikolayev 194, 286, 341
Nikonov, Cadet 360
Nizhniy Novgorod 108
nobility, see servitors (privileged)
Noblemen's regiment 251, 348f.
non-commissioned offiCC(.I (NCOs) 149, 171;
desertion by 225; disciplinary powers defined
365; education 163, 203f., 369-71; food and
forage 113, 180; Jews as 330; leave 162;
outlook 163f., 200; pay and pensions 180-2,
335; promotion to officer 104n., 119, 163,
180, 200, 209, 240, 349, 364; 371; punish-
ment of 172, 264; veterans 197
Norov, V. S .. 264
Northern Society 214, 259, 261, 263f., 267f.,
Noteborg 63
Novgorod 25,"29, 38f., 58, 61, 76, 78, 82, 114;
province, military settlers In 132, 282, 285,
287f., 290, 296, 301f.
Nov8orod-Seversk 311
novices (noviki) 32, 86
Novorossiysk Dragoon regimen& 264
Num(m)sen, F. M. 237 f.
Nystad, treaty of i 16
Obolensky, E. P. 265, 268
Obolyaninov, P. Kh. 187f.
Obreskov, M. A. 282
Obruchev, N. N. 358, 362
Ochakov 178n., 217; region (oblast') 279
Odessa 279; Division 279
Odoyev 49
Odoyevsky, A. I. 268
Office of Military Affairs ( Voyennyy prikaz)
IOSf., llOf., l 12n., 115
officer corps, ethnic composition of, su for-
eigners; social composition of, Stt NCOs
Ogryszko, J. 361n.
Oka, river 16, 21, 79
Old Believers 66, 69f., 147, 296f., 331
Olearius, A. 13, 59, 63, 64
Olits. P. I. 223
Olonets 84
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