Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

Index 427
Opochka 62n.
oprichnina 18, 30, 4S, 46 f., 73
on.ieriies, officers· servants \denshch1k1) S7-60,
110, I 7Sf .• 237. 372
Orel 134, 177; province 311, 313
Orenburg 342; Corps 3S9; line 224; province
oriental troops 77-9, 216, 218
Orlov, A. F. 302
Orlov, M. F. 260, 270
orphans, orphanages 46, IS3n., 160, 202f., 291
Orsha 83
Orthodox Church 13, IS, S3f., 66, 68 f., 70,
77, 80, 109, 147, ISO, 301f.,331, 359f.; and
soldiers 204-6, 210f., 216f., 347n., 369
Osterman, A. I. 123
Ostrov 62
Ottoman Empire, see Turkey
pacifism 331
Padlewski, Z. 362, 363
Pahlen, von der (Palen), P.A. 248f., 312
Parm. A. I. 349
Panayev, N. I. 290, 301
Panin, N. P. 248, 260
Panin, P. I. 160, 211
Panov, N. A. 268, 270
Pan-Slavism 3SO
Panyukin, A. 34
Paris 165, 196, 255 f.
Paskevich-Erivansky, I. F. 188, 195, 211, 217,
220n., 23S, 343
Passek, P. B. 311
passports, internal 334
Patkul,J.R.von 111
patronage 232, 234, 247, 259, 299; see also clans
Paul I, Emperor 248, 279; accession of 162;
and chaplains 206; and drill 165; and
government 197, 311 f.; and guards 239;
and military administration 160, 162, 176,
177, 187, 245, 252, 279, 281; and military
law 171, 173, 224, 246f.; and officers 162,
232, 240, 246, 264; and Prussia 160, 245, 247;
and recruits 160; and soldiers 177, 182,
281 f.; and soldiers' children 203; and uni-
forms 2SO; character of 4, 160, 314; depo-
sition of 233, 248 f., 260; image of 213
Pavlov, M. 62
pay: foreigners 84, 121; musketeers 61-6; new-
model forces 86; officers 84, 121 f., 182,
236-8, 250; privileged servitors 42f.; soldiers
and NCOs 109-12, 122, 162, in-84, 214,
240, 336, 355, 371 f.; deductions (vychety)
from 175, 179, 237, 278, 372
peasants (krest yane): apanage (ude/.'nye) 306;
'black' (taxpaying) 46, 57, 84, 103; ecclesi-
astical 281; proprietorial, see serfs; state 147,
285, 296, 301, 303f., 329, 334; and muske-

teers 70; economic burden on 131-3, 185;
91 fugitives^47 f., 135, 153, 308, 314: and suoolv ...
Pelenski, J. 14
penalties: capital 52, 59, 70, IOOf., 114, 172,
219, 297, 350, 363; corporal 52, 6Sf., 68,
82f .• 114 r.. 166 f., 168-72, 203, 211, 246,
251, 264, 297, 302, 317, 333, 346, 348n.,
366n., 380 (see also gauntlet); exile, forced
labour 64, 100, 109, I IS, 167f., 171 f., 223,
298f., 327n., 348-50, 363; fines 83, I IS;
imprisonment 314, 365-7; mutilation 65,
167, 223; relegation, transfer 323, 346, 349,
pensions: officers' 198, 250, 335; soldiers' 198,
335, 371, 372n., 377
Penza province 226
Pereyaslavl" -Zalessky 42
Perlmutter, A. 270
Perm· province 82, 149
Persia (Iran), Russia's wars with 6, 137, 218,
25 I, 300, 324, 337
Pertsov, Lieutenant 299
Pester, I. B. 262
Pester, P. I. 262f., 265-7, 270 r., 283f.
Peter I, 'the Great', Tsar and Emperor 34n.,
76, 96, 126, 148, 225; accession and early life
68-72, 96, 98; and armed forces 14, 56, 95,
102, 128, 158, 245; and compulsory service
by nobles 2, 28, SS, 96f., 105, 118, 120-3,
127; and guards 122, 127, 315; and militariz-
ation of government 95, 97, 116, 128-30,
135; and military education 118, 201, 242;
and military law I 14f., 16Sf., 172, 218,
223n.; and military medicine I 16f., 192; and
recruits 103f., 106, 147, 152f., 155, 157,
192; and social mobility in army I 19f., 126;
and soldiers' conditions 109, 111-13, 189f.,
199; and veterans 197; and war 9Sf., 102f.,
106; and Western innuences 97, 102, 240; as
seen by soldiers 213; character of 4, 96;
death and legacy of 133, 146, 207
Peter Ill, Emperor 187, 211; and guards 241,
245; and military law 169, 172; and officers
233; and Prussia 164, 241; and recruits 151;
and uniforms 189 f.; character 4; deposition
of 241
Peterson, C. 130
petitions (chelobieya) 31, 34, 39, 48f., 67f.,
86, 103; formal complaints (pretenr.ii) 188,
291, 296, 297, 368
Petrashevsky, M. V. Butashevich-348; circle
of 348 f.; and soldiers 349
Petrikovka 290
Pintner, W. Mck. 233, 308n., 309n., 317, 374n.
Pipes, R. E. 143, 276n., 293
Pirogov, N. I. 339-41, 374
Pishchevich, A. S. 170, 185, 189, 240
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