Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

(^428) Index
Pkheyze, Major-General(?) 173
place-seeking (mestnichestvo) 23-8; abolition
of 27,28,5'1f.;st!rV?'.'a!of 2~. ~22, J2.i, l?fi,
128, 235
'play' (poteshnye) regiments 71, 98, 100
Pletenets, S. 223
Pleyer, 0. 114, 116
Plotho, C. von 155, 185
Podolia province 259, 265 f., 305
Podzllio (Poggio), A. 173
Pogozelski, W. w. 361
Poland: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 6,
15, 19, 20, 63, 80; as model for Muscovy
53f.; nobles in 13, 37, 118, 134, 247; in Great
Northern War IOI, 111, 115, 118; ( 1725-72)
147f., 225; partitions or 6, 216; post-
partitions 155, 205, 215, 216f., 220, 254f.,
257, 266, 343, 368; rebellion (or 1830-1) 300,
302, 305, 324, 337, 339, 342. 347 r., 372 (or
1863-4) 358-64, 368, 375; Polish Army
(1815-31) 327, 348
police: civil 149, 309f., 312, 315, 328; military
108, 314, 375n.; see also gendarmes, guba
Polotsk 23, 57, 61, 78, 83; province 311;
infantry regiment 292
Poltava 344; battle or 95, 106, 111, 120; pro-
vince 287
Popov, Z. N. 240
population 88, 90, 139, 149, 199f.
Pososhkov, I. T. Ill, 119, 121, 158f.
post, military 332
Potebnja, A. A. 362
Potemkin, G. A. 170f., 178, 190, 199, 211,
236, 246, 252, 278, 282, 311
Potemkin, Ya. A. 209f., 259
Praetorianism 7, 232, 247, 249, 261, 267, 269-
72, 283
Praga, battle or 216
Preobrazhenskoye 71, 98, 100; Preobraz-
hensky chancellery 100, 166; guards regi-
ment 96, 98, IOOf., 115, 134, 213, 234, 239,
press, military 252, 258 f., 357f., 369, 372
pretenders 211; False Dmitriy II 59, 78
Preussisch-Eylau, battle of 195
prisoners, prisons, see penalties; prisoners of
war 16, 214 r., 217
procurators, military 367
professionalization 76, 80 f., 144, 232, 252,
275, 307
provinces (gubernii) 129, 136, 308; sub-pro-
vinces (provintsii) 131 , 279, 308
Prozorovsky, A. A. 310
Prussia, Prussian: alliance with 250; armed
forces in 7, 166, 193, 196, 199, 221, 231, 243,
326, 344; and Russian deserters 225; influ-
ence on Russian armed forces 4 r., 96, 160 r.,
164, 190, 241, 245, 281, 365; observers in
Russia I SS, 336; Ruasian trOops in 111, 188,
215f.; see also Seven· Years War
Pskov S7n., 62, 66, 109 · ''
publicity (glasnost') 351, 35'"'- ·
Pugachev, E. I., revolt of 211, '214, 218, 225,
239n., 302, 311, 313
'punished' (shtrqfovanny.) .,tdiers 36Sf.,
Pushchin, N. N. 264
Pushkarev, L. N. 210n.
Pushkin, A. S. 347
Pustoshkin, P. 134
Putivl' 42, 74
Putyata, A. D. 362
Pyzhov, B. 67
quarters, soldiers': barracks 73, 133, 160, 190,
192, 287f., 303, 332, 377: billeta 105, I08f.,
158, 190f.; bivouacs, citmpe 38, 108, 183, 185
Rabinovich, M. D. 8, IOln.; 125
Rachkovsky, N. 218
Radogoshch 313
Rakhmanov, P.A. 2'2
ranks (chiny) 9, 21-3, 60, 122, 234-6, 307, 379;
promotion criteria 124; Table of Ranks
(Tabef' o rangakh) 123-8, 345
Ratusha 111
Rayevsky, N: N. 260
Rayevsky, V. F. 265, 270, 299
Raymond, D. de 155, 198, 208
Razin, S., revolt of 20, 52, 66, 78, 87
Razryad (chief military·.mce Cbanciellery): and
Cossacks 74; and gentl')'leYy 19, 31, 34, 43,
45, 59, 82, ISO; and pllCHeeking 25, 54; and
supply 38; organization and 90wers of 3Sf.,
51, 77, 87f., 89n., 91
razryady, stt distrlct1 (milltarY)
recruits, recruitment: '
17th c. (datochn~): IS auxi!!aries 57-60; as
musketeers 60f.; IS serYina Cossacks 48,
75; to new-model forces 7', 81-3
I 8th-19th cc. (rtbwty): ·ministration of
levy 103-8, 144-53, 192, 290, 303, 328 f.,
332; convoying Of 107f., 146, 314; dress of
157, 332; ethniccomposidonof 148, 330f.;
exemption from-M?,-3»,feeclillgof 112,
157, 331; incidencleOf~ 104, 106, 145,

  1. 354, 374r.:1ililucdon procedure ISS f .•
    331 f.; losses amo111 108, 114, 197, 332;
    opposition to 103f., 104f., 158; physical
    requirements IS:H., 377; reform of 158-
    61, 281f.,325,32'T,ll9;ttatutes(l766) 159
    (1831) 328
    see also commutation, subltitutes, vouchers
    Red Army 177, 381

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