Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1
Index 429
regiments (polki) 23, 26, 36, 57, 337; economy
of, see self-maintenance
Reimers, H. von 176,^177
He/larsky \Lavairymen'sJ chanceiiery 9i
Repnin, I. B. 83
Repnin, N. I. 104,^114
Repnin, N. V. 310, 313
reserves (rezervy) I 06, 158, 234, 282, 287,
326 f., 334, 356 r.. 375,^377
residents (zhi/'tsy) 22, 33
revolts, see Bulavin; mutinies; Pugachev;
Razin; Time of Troubles
revolutions: ( 1789) 3 lO; (1848) 324, 326, 349;
( 1905) 380; (1917) 380 f.
Ridiger (RUdiger), F. V.^354
Rieber, A. J. 3S2
Riego, R. del^271
Romanov, N. I.^49
Romny 287
Romodanovsky, F. Yu. 98,^100
Rostophchin, F. V. 19S, 219,^247
Rostovtsev, Ya. I. 34S
Rozen, E. A. 268n.
Rudakov, I. K.^33
Rumyantsev, P.A. IS9, 162, 165, 170, 211,
21S, 218, 310n., 311
rural counsellors (landraty)^130 f.
Russian Literary Assembly 2S2
Russkaya pravda (Pester) 263,^265
Russkiy invalid 3S8
Ryazan· 21, 42,^86
Ryleyev, K. F. 263, 270,^347
Rzhevsky, S. M.^242

·,Sabaneyev, I. V.^299
Sablukov, N. A.^248
Said-Burgan 79
Saint Petersburg 251, 261, 267, 298, 301, 343,
362; as capital 9S; barracks 190, 332; con-
struction of, soldiers' role in 109; invalid
home 335; military role in government of
239, 248, 310-13; military schools in 202,
344, 359; recruits from 151, 327; secret
societies in 2S9,^261 f., 265; troops in^107 f.,
114, 207, 374; Dragoon regiment^247
Salta 329
Sanguszko, E. 265
Saransk 226
Saratov infantry regiment^369
Savinikhin, V. R.^102
Saxony IOI, 111, 216n., 220,^225
secretaries (d 'yak1) 22,^35
Secret Affairs chancellery (Kantselyariya tay-
nykh rozysknykh def) 166; Expedition (eks-
peditsiya) 247, 250
secret societies 231, 247, 248f., 2S7-72, 359-64

SCgur, Count L.-Ph.^212
'select' provincial gentry servitors ( vybomye)
22, 32, 33, 43; 'select' (vybornye) regiments
self-maintenance 60, 62, 81, 97, 137, 277, 281,
286, 306, 336, 3S5
self-mutilation IS4f.,^331
Semenovskoye 98; Semenovsky guards regi-
ment 98f., 111, 134, 209, 213, 2S3, 257, 2S9;
protest of 1820 173, 227, 263, 26S f., 298f.
Scmichev, I.^34
Senate, Ruling (Pravite/ 'stvuyushchiy Senat)
106-8, 120, 139, 144, 146, 203, 214, 317, 320,
328, 36S; Military Chancellery of^136
Separate Corps of Military Settlements 286,
291 f,
Scredonin, S. M.^88
serfs (krepostnye), serfdom: development of I,
47 f., 239; emancipation from 3S2 f.; fugitives
48, 13S; relations with masters 45, 74, 13S,
202, 238; sent as recruits, see recruits; sent
as settlers 153, 281; viewed as obstacle to
military reform 289, 327, 3S3; S, 33, 43, 121,
197 f .• 283. 296, 304
Scrpukhov 16; Ulan regiment^300
service code (Ulo<heniye o slu1.hbe, 1556) 30,^58
Service Estates (Pomestnyy) chancellery^105
service organization of provincial gentry (gorod)
service records (formu/yarniye spiski) 161,
238, 308n., 317
service registers, military: central (rauyadn~
knig1) 21, 23, 35; local (desyatni) 32,^58
service state I, 44, 53, 72, 97, 102, 123f., 127f.,
135, 143, 232f.,^351 f., 378, 379,^381
servitors, privileged (to 1700, sluzhi/iye lyudi ·
po otechestvu) 64; and state power 2, 13,
29f., 37, 40, 46, 48, SS, 60, 8Sf.; metropolitan
nobles (dumnye, moskovskiye chiny) 21-7,
29, 33, 38, 42, 48 f., S9, 70, 82; provincial
gentry (sluzhiliye lyudi po gorodovomu
spisku) 22, 27,^28 f., 30-4, 36,^39 f.
service in militia (opo/cfreniye): adminis-
tration of 14, 22f., 28-32 (see also Raz-
ryad); duties 34; health 39; morale S2;
penalties 34, 52; promotion 32-4; retire-
ment 36, 39 f.; size of 28, 89; supplies
38 f.; used against musketeers 98,^100
social and economic life: clans 29; compen-
sation with land 32, 42-SO; compensation
with money and valuables^41 f.; coun ser-
vice 21, 41; culture and education 45,
52f.; economic conditions 44-SO; social
stratification 32-4, 48; transfer to new-
model forces 41, SI, 85-7; trend towards
civilianization S 1-S
servitors, privileged ( 1700-, dvoryane): and
state service (1700-62) 103f., 118-29,^147
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