Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1

(^430) Index
(1762-1874) 232, 234, 307, 320, 344, 347;
cultural and political development 252, 257-
72, 341-7, 357-64, 379; service conditions
121 f., 182, 236-9, 250, 307; see also educa-
tion, guards, intelligentsia (military)
servitors, underprivileged (to 1700, s/uzhiliye
lyudi po priboru) 23, 60-92; see various form-
settlements (slobody) 62, 76, 122
settlements, military ( voyennye poseleniya),
settlers (voinskiye poselyane): (to 1815) 81,
84f., 168, 173, 225, 231, 275-82; (1816-55)
282-307; cost 293-5; dissent and reform
( 1830-2) 300-4; dissolution of ( 1856-66)
Sevastopol' 338; siege of 338, 340 f.
Seven Years War 6, 151 f., 154f., 159, 164,
!Sin., 193, 197, 202, 212, 215, 241, 243, 254
Sevsk 36, 50, 71, 74, 85, IOI, 114
Shabunin, V. 368
Shakhovskoy, Ya. P. 187, 193
Shaklovitiy, F. L. 72
Shami!, Imam 356
Shatsk 20, 121
Shcherbatov, M. M. 148
Shebchinka 300
Shein, A. S. 99f., 119
Sheremetev, B. P. 111, 113, 115
Shervud (Sherwood), I. V. 262, 283
Shklov 242
Shlisselburg infantry regiment 362
Shtrandman, G. E. von 217
Shturmer (Sturmer), L. L. 358
Shuvalov, P. I. 159, 164, 169, 181, 187, 243
Shuysky, I. P. 26
Shuysky, Tsar Vasiliy 59, 78
Shvarts, F. E. 2IO, 227, 260, 298n.
Siberia 6, 73, 77, 147f., 153, 181, 223f., 262,
297, 3080., 313f.; see also penalties (exile)
Sibilski, General 2 I 6n.
Sidorov, G. 208
Sierakowski, Z. 359, 363
Silesia 254
Simbirsk 114; province 311
SimferopoF 341
single-homesteaders (odnodvortsy) 50, 14H.,
202-4, 277. 281 • 300
Sipyagin, N. M. 259
Sirotka 115
Sitnikov, S. I. 347
slavery, slaves (kholopy) 16, 24, 33, 37 r., 39n.,
50, I03, 140; in armed forces 31, 58 f., 151
Sleptsov, A. A. 362
Slobodskaya Ukraina 181 f., 227, 276, 285,
296, 297 r.. 300, 305
Smirnov, I. I. 26n.
Smolensk 19, IOI, Ill, 205, 208, 219, 247.
262; War (1632-4) 19, 39, 43, 81
Snetin, D. 31
socialism 360, 364
Society of Military Men ..• 258
Society of True and Loyal Sons. ,. , :stt Union
of Salvation '.
Society of United Slavs 266 f. ,
Sofia Alekseyevna, Regent .SS, 69-72,' $1(), 99
sokho (taxation unit) 42n., 90; sqJch'JJ men
(pososhnye) 57, 60f. \
Sokolovsky, M. K. 172
soldiers, 1700-: and peasants 133-S, 143 f.,
160, 177, 191 r., 206, 208, 219, 286-9, 303,
370; length of service IS6, 161, 333f., 375;
psychology or 201, 2b4-21, 227, 331; :stt
also families, food, pay, soap '
Soligalich 59
songs, soldiers' 201, 209f., 212f., 216f.
South Slavs 277 f.
Southern Society 259, 261, 263, 265-7
Soviet Union 381; historians-in 8, 56, 80, 123,
138-40, 171, 231 f., 266n., 299, 308n., 358-
Spain 191, 269, 271
Speransky, M. M. 251
Spiritual Affairs, Ministry of 206 __.
Stalin, J. V., Stalinism 295, 325, 381
Staraya Rusa 84, 285, 301
Stevens, C. B. 52n., 53
Storozhenko, A. Ya. 284
Streletskiy (Musketeers') chancellery 66, 69,
91; sire/ 'tsy, see musketeers
Streshnev, T. N. 111
Stroganov, G. A. 149
Strumilin, S. G. 138-40
substitutes (for recruits, etc.), to 1700 30, 34,
57, 59, 83, I05, 107, 121; 1700- 149, l.Sl f.,
329, 375
suicides 346
Sukharev, L. P., regiment of 71, l02n.
Sukhotin 121
Sukhozanet, I. 0. 346
Sukhozanet, N. 0. 355, 365
Sungurov, N. P. 342n.
supernumeraries 163, 233f., 242, 307, 344
supplies: (to 1700) 38, 91; (1700-25) 111-13,
130, 135; (1725-1825) 186-9, 195; (182.S-55)
6, 306, 337f., 355; (1855-) 373, 379f.; and
military settlers 303 f.; :stt 11/so aelf-main-
Supply (Proviant) Department 178, l86f.;
War Commissariat (Krip-komlaarltlt) 112,
sureties (poruki) 31, 37, 43, 105, 107; :stt also
Surikov, V. 100
sutlers (markitanty) 108, 112, 183
Suvorov, A. V.: and looting 216-18; and medi-
cal services 194; and military law 170, 21Sf.;

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