Soldiers of the Tsar. Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 - John L. Keep

(Wang) #1
Index 431
and training 165; and uniforms 190; charac-
ter 211 f.; image of 211 f., 247f., 252, 381;
writings of 189, 192, 206
Suzdal' infantry regiment 206
Svechin, Ye. A. 47n.
Sweden 37, 63, 78, 82, 96, 126, 131 f.; Russia's
wars with (1656-8) 84 (1788-90) 217 (1808-
9) 25 I; see also Great Northern War
Switzerland 346
tactics 164, 324
Taganrog 109, 267; Ulan regiment 298
Tambov ,0, 226, 251, 331
Tanski, J. I S5, 239, 294
Tarakhanov, 0. 247
Tarbeyev, Major-General 173
Tatars: Astrakhan' 77; Crimean 6, 15-20, 21,
30, 34, 39f., 48, 51, 67, 71, 77, 79, 85, IOI,
119, 210, 217f., 338; Kazan· 14-16, 26, 29,
77, 79; Kasimov 79; Kipchak (Golden Horde)
I, 13f., 57, 217; Nogay !Sf., 18, 77; Siberian
Tavrida province 182, 189, 210, 279
taxation 42n., 57, 63, 6S, 73, 84, 90f., 278;
'musketeers' money' 90; poll tax 129, 130-
4, 136f., 139, 144, 147, 160, 190, 308f.
testimonials (attestaty) 125, 235
Theodore II (Fedor Alekseyevich), Tsar 54,
67 f.
Third Department 314, 323
Thirteen Years War (16S4-67) 20, 27, 41, SI,
7S, 79n., 82 f., 85 f., 91
Tilsit, treaty of 251, 281
Time of Troubles (Smuta, 1598-1613) 19, 27,

. -36, 47. 49, 59, 62, 78, 80,
TirispQr 219 · "':
Titov, G. S. 69
Tobol' sk infantry regiment 299
Tokhtamysh, Tsarevich 77
Tolstoy, Count L. N. 341 f., 368
Tolstoy 234
TOplitz (Teplice), battle of 165
Torke, H .-J. 48n., 308n.
towns, townspeople 62f., 76, 91, 105, 133,
147 f., 152, 191 f., 306; town majors (plats-
mayory) 312
training: of recruits ISi f.; of soldiers 164f.,
201, 287, 3.54, 369; physical 333, 356, 369;
see also drill, exercises
Transcaucasia 6, 218, 327
transfers: compulsory, of population (vyvody)
29, 33, 46, 28S; officers' 236, 307, 312
transport 39, 108, 139, 176, 194, 286, 308, 317,
326, 338; rail 337, 372
Troitsky, S. M. 137, 308n.
Troshchinsky, D. P. 249
Trotsky, L. D. 381
Trubetskoy, A. N. 83, SS

Trubetskoy, S. P. 265, 268
Trusov, Privates 292
Tsarskoye Seto: lvceum 2Sl: rinemen's train-
ing regiment 360, 362
Tsykler, I. E. 71
Tuchkov, S. A. 176, 252
Tugendbund 259
Tula 16, 20f., 62, 104, 121, 251
Tul'chin 259, 261, 263
Turgenev, N. I. 302, 325, 326
Turkestan 374
Turkey, Turks 6, 18, 20, 43, 72, 78, 212, 217;
Russia's wars with 217 (1676-81) 67, 79

(1686-1700) 71 f., 79, 99, (^104) (1710-13)
106, 120 (173S-9) 17S, 183, 18S, 193, 234,
277 (1767-74) 154, 159, 169, 185, 186, 309
(1787-91) 14S, 161, 214, 279 (1806-12) 195,
221, 251 (1828-9) 26S, 300, 304, 324, 339
(18.53-6) see Crimean War (1877-8) 378
Tver' 33, 47n., 76, 156
Tyutchev, I. A. 34
Ufa province 311
Ugra, river 16
Ukhtomsky, Lieutenant 152
Ukraine, Ukrainian 6, 8; acquisition of by
Russia 51; culture and education in S3n.,
2S4, 370; government of (1700-) 311, 313;
Hetmanate 20; line 278; national sentiment
in 226 f., 350, 360, 362, 364; Ulans 262,
284; see also Cossacks, land-militia, settlers
(military), and individual regions, provinces
utans 262, 284, 298, 333, 369
Ulfeldt, J. 78
Uman' 306
uniforms: allowance for 179f.; recruits' 108,
157, 160f., 332; settlers' 287, 291, 303;
soldiers' 97, Ill, 165, 189f., 323, 355
Union of (Public) Welfare 258 f., 260, 262, 264
Union of Salvation 258
universities 344n., 359; University of Moscow
242, 257, 342n.
Urlanis, B. Ts. 88, 196n.
Urusov, V. 348
Usov, S. A. 360
Usovsky, A. V. 299
Ustyug 59; office (chet') 90
Utin, N. I. 362
Uvarov, F. P. 249
Vadkovsky family 260n.
Valuyki Dragoon regiment 223
VasiL'chikov, I. V. 262
Vasiliy Ill, Grand Prince 16, 23, 87
Vasil'kov 265
Vazhinsky, V. M. 50
'Velvet Book' (Barkhatnaya kniga) 54
Venediktov, I. I. 209, 317, 320

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