Thung Song – Surat Thani - 110 km
Someone asked if cycle touring was still exciting after nine years.
Amazingly enough, a new destination remained as exciting as the first
day. Each day (weather providing) put a big grin on my face and I
believed myself one of the world’s luckiest people. Cycle touring may
not always be easy or comfortable, but whose life is devoid of ups and
downs and saddle sores, figuratively speaking?
The two days’ rest did me a world of good. I felt energetic; not even
the rain or roadworks could dampen my spirit. It rained the entire
day, but I clipped in my flashing lights for added visibility and flew to
Surat Thani. There must’ve been a tailwind, as I seldom “flew”
anywhere. Finally, accommodation was secured at the Route 44 and
41 intersection, which allowed for showering and donning dry clothes.