Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. Tsitsianov to Alexander, April 27, 1803, ibid., II, 290.

  2. Tsitsianov to Czartoryski,September 26,1805,ibid.,11,1036-37;Tsitsianov stressed
    the same point on other occasions, for example, Tsitsianov to Alexander, April 27, 1803,
    ibid., II, 290; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 44.

  3. Tuchkov, pp. 221, 223, 226, 228-29, 234, 243-44, 249; M. S. Vorontsov to S. R.
    Vorontsov, October 12, 1804, AKV, XXXVI, 99-103; Tsitsianov to Mohammad Khan, July
    14, 1804, and Collegiate Assessor Lofitsskii (head of the civilian administration of Georgia)
    to Alexander, April 30, 1806, Akty, II, 615, III, 4-6; Lang, pp. 252-58; 'Abd or-Razzaq
    Domboli, Ma'aserSoltaniyeh (Tehran, 1392 Qomri/1972-73), pp. 97-98, 110-14, 117-20.

  4. Tsitsianov to Czartoryski, September 14, 1804; see also Tsitsianov to Alexander,
    August 15, 1804, Akty, II, 619-20, 811; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 156.

  5. Alexander to Tsitsianov, November 8, 1804, and Czartoryskii to Tsitsianov, No-
    vember 15, 1804, Akty, II, 620-21, 1021; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 157; Caulaincourt to
    Napoleon, February 22, 1809, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Relations diplomatiques, III, 100.

  6. Tsitsianov to Alexander, December 30, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Czartoryski,
    April 16, 1805, ibid., II, 621-22, 1027.

  7. Alexander to Tsitsianov, March 19 and 20, 1803, February 5, 1804, March 22,
    1805, and Czartoryski to Tsitsianov, April 28 and July 26, 1805, and Tsitsianov to Alexan-
    der, March 12, April 27, 1803, June 17, 1805, undated letter (June 1805), and Tsitsianov
    to Czartoryski, April 7 and 16June 17,August 13,1805,^^,11,289-91, 594, 610, 7 82-83,
    826, 827, 829, 830-31, 841, 847, 1024, 1027.

  8. Tsitsianov to Zavalishin, March 29, June 17, and August 17, 1805, and Tsitsianov
    to Path 'Ali Shah, March 29, 1805, ibid., II 824-26, 832, 848; Domboli, pp. 158-59.

  9. Lofitsskii to Alexander, April 30, 1806, and Gudovich to Foreign Minister A. la.
    Budberg, April 4, 1807, Akty, III, 3-7, 16; Dubrovin, V, 12-15.
    26.TsitsianovtoAlexander,April7,1805,andJanuary 10, 1806,^^,11, 701, 1041.

  10. Tsitsianov to Javad, November 29 and December 29, 1803, and Javad to Tsit-
    sianov, n.d. (December 1803), Akty, II, 588-91.

  11. Domboli, pp. 109-10; Hedayat, IX, 389-90; Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabaghi, 7s-
    toriia Karabaga (Baku, 1959), p. 136; Brosset, II, part ii, 279-90; Tsitsianov to A. R. Voront-
    sov, January 13, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Alexander, May 29, 1804, and Ughurlu Aqa (a son
    of Javad) to Alexander, n.d., Akty, II, 592, 594-95, 601; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 88-90; P. A.
    Zubov, Podvigi Russkikh voinov v stranakh Kavkazskikh s 1800 po 1834 g. (2 vols., St.
    Petersburg, 1835), I, part i, 51.

  12. Tuckhov, p. 215; Zubov, Podvigi, I, part i, 43; J. von Klaproth, Travels in the
    Caucasus and Georgia Performed in the Years 1807 and 1808, F. Shoberl, trans. (London,
    1814), p. 222.

  13. Tsitsianov to Alexander, May 29, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Javad, December 9, 18,
    and 28, 1803, and Tsitsianov to the Armenians of Ganjeh, November 30, 1803, Akty, II,

  14. Tsitsianov to A. R. Vorontsov, January 13, 1804, ibid., II, 592.

  15. Dubrovin, IV, 143.

  16. Beliavskii and Potto, I, 94-95; similar threats were made to other khans. Tsitsianov
    to Mohammad Khan of Yerevan, June 14, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Ebrahim Khalil Khan of
    Qarabagh, January 8 and February 4, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Zavalishin, March 29, 1805,
    Akty, II, 615,696, 825.

  17. Domboli, p. 110; Hedayat, IX, 390; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 94; Dubrovin, IV,
    143; Tsitsianov to the Executive Expedition, March 3, 1804, and Tsitsianov to the Akhund
    (a low-ranking religious leader) of ElizavetpoP, May 14, 1805, and anonymous, secret report
    on Elizavetpol', 1812, Akty,11, 591, 285, V, 542.

Notes 175
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