Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin
- Tsitsianov to Alexander, April 27, 1803, ibid., II, 290.
- Tsitsianov to Czartoryski,September 26,1805,ibid.,11,1036-37;Tsitsianov stressed
the same point on other occasions, for example, Tsitsianov to Alexander, April 27, 1803,
ibid., II, 290; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 44.
- Tuchkov, pp. 221, 223, 226, 228-29, 234, 243-44, 249; M. S. Vorontsov to S. R.
Vorontsov, October 12, 1804, AKV, XXXVI, 99-103; Tsitsianov to Mohammad Khan, July
14, 1804, and Collegiate Assessor Lofitsskii (head of the civilian administration of Georgia)
to Alexander, April 30, 1806, Akty, II, 615, III, 4-6; Lang, pp. 252-58; 'Abd or-Razzaq
Domboli, Ma'aserSoltaniyeh (Tehran, 1392 Qomri/1972-73), pp. 97-98, 110-14, 117-20.
- Tsitsianov to Czartoryski, September 14, 1804; see also Tsitsianov to Alexander,
August 15, 1804, Akty, II, 619-20, 811; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 156.
- Alexander to Tsitsianov, November 8, 1804, and Czartoryskii to Tsitsianov, No-
vember 15, 1804, Akty, II, 620-21, 1021; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 157; Caulaincourt to
Napoleon, February 22, 1809, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Relations diplomatiques, III, 100.
- Tsitsianov to Alexander, December 30, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Czartoryski,
April 16, 1805, ibid., II, 621-22, 1027.
- Alexander to Tsitsianov, March 19 and 20, 1803, February 5, 1804, March 22,
1805, and Czartoryski to Tsitsianov, April 28 and July 26, 1805, and Tsitsianov to Alexan-
der, March 12, April 27, 1803, June 17, 1805, undated letter (June 1805), and Tsitsianov
to Czartoryski, April 7 and 16June 17,August 13,1805,^^,11,289-91, 594, 610, 7 82-83,
826, 827, 829, 830-31, 841, 847, 1024, 1027.
- Tsitsianov to Zavalishin, March 29, June 17, and August 17, 1805, and Tsitsianov
to Path 'Ali Shah, March 29, 1805, ibid., II 824-26, 832, 848; Domboli, pp. 158-59.
- Lofitsskii to Alexander, April 30, 1806, and Gudovich to Foreign Minister A. la.
Budberg, April 4, 1807, Akty, III, 3-7, 16; Dubrovin, V, 12-15.
26.TsitsianovtoAlexander,April7,1805,andJanuary 10, 1806,^^,11, 701, 1041.
- Tsitsianov to Javad, November 29 and December 29, 1803, and Javad to Tsit-
sianov, n.d. (December 1803), Akty, II, 588-91.
- Domboli, pp. 109-10; Hedayat, IX, 389-90; Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabaghi, 7s-
toriia Karabaga (Baku, 1959), p. 136; Brosset, II, part ii, 279-90; Tsitsianov to A. R. Voront-
sov, January 13, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Alexander, May 29, 1804, and Ughurlu Aqa (a son
of Javad) to Alexander, n.d., Akty, II, 592, 594-95, 601; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 88-90; P. A.
Zubov, Podvigi Russkikh voinov v stranakh Kavkazskikh s 1800 po 1834 g. (2 vols., St.
Petersburg, 1835), I, part i, 51.
- Tuckhov, p. 215; Zubov, Podvigi, I, part i, 43; J. von Klaproth, Travels in the
Caucasus and Georgia Performed in the Years 1807 and 1808, F. Shoberl, trans. (London,
1814), p. 222.
- Tsitsianov to Alexander, May 29, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Javad, December 9, 18,
and 28, 1803, and Tsitsianov to the Armenians of Ganjeh, November 30, 1803, Akty, II,
- Tsitsianov to A. R. Vorontsov, January 13, 1804, ibid., II, 592.
- Dubrovin, IV, 143.
- Beliavskii and Potto, I, 94-95; similar threats were made to other khans. Tsitsianov
to Mohammad Khan of Yerevan, June 14, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Ebrahim Khalil Khan of
Qarabagh, January 8 and February 4, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Zavalishin, March 29, 1805,
Akty, II, 615,696, 825.
- Domboli, p. 110; Hedayat, IX, 390; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 94; Dubrovin, IV,
143; Tsitsianov to the Executive Expedition, March 3, 1804, and Tsitsianov to the Akhund
(a low-ranking religious leader) of ElizavetpoP, May 14, 1805, and anonymous, secret report
on Elizavetpol', 1812, Akty,11, 591, 285, V, 542.
Notes 175