of the Laws, attitude toward Raynal, 28;
views on Iran, 28; attitude toward Rus-
sian Orthodox Church, 30-31; attitude
toward Zubov expedition, 30, 39-40,
42; attitude toward Caspian trade, 31;
favors Russian expansion into Iran, 32;
plan to replace Aqa Mohammad, 35;
attitude toward Caucasus, 38; favors
defense of Georgia, 39; death, 42, 46,
47; low opinion of "Persian" leaders,
44; sees Aras as necessary border with
Iran, 44
Caucasian Line: role in Russian wars in
Eastern Caucasus, 39; Russian frontier
in North Caucasus, 44; desirability as
Russian border, 61
Caucasus (Eastern): start of Russo-Iranian
rivalry over, 10; description of disputed
borderlands, 10-11; population, 11-13,
14-15, 44; political structure, 13, 14;
economic conditions, 15, 17,27, 104;
political turmoil, 17; Aqa Mohammad's
campaign in (1795), 20-21; motives for
Russian interest in, 24-25; Christian in-
habitants' cooperation with Russia, 29-
30, 50; inhabitants' attitudes toward
Russia and Iran, 38, 41, 66-70, 72, 73,
85-86, 102, 109, 158, 164-65; Zubov
expedition in, 40-41; military methods,
44; Bezborodko's attitude toward, 47;
Paul's attitude toward, 52; Russia ac-
quires, 66, 80, 86-90; symbolic signifi-
cance to Qajars, 92-95; status after
Treaty of Golestan, 144, status under
Russian rule, 145-52
Caucasus (Mountains): obstacle to Russian
southward expansion, 44; role in Russo-
Iranian territorial disputes, 130; inhabi-
tants'war with Russia, 160
Caulaincourt, French ambassador, opinion
on Russian involvement in Caucasus,
131; offers French mediation of First
Russo-Iranian War, 132
Central Asia, 27
Chardin,Jean, 28
Chechens, 44, 102
China: Catherine's policy toward, 25;
Lomonosov's interest in, 26
Chingis Khan, 72
Christie, Charles, 136, 139
Chukur-e Sa'd. See Yerevan
College of Foreign Affairs (Russia), 50, 62
Cormick, Dr., ('Abbas Mirza's physician), 137
Crimea, 25
Czartoryski, Adam: opposes annexation of
Georgia, 61; plans attack on Gilan, 74
Daghestan, 130
Daniel (Catholicos of Echmiadzin), 50
D'Arcy, Major, 137
Darial Pass, 44
David (Bagration prince), 59
Decembrists: assigned to Caucasus as pun-
ishment, 105; news of uprising reaches
Iran, 157
Derbent: captured by Russia (1722), 4;
controlled by Qaitaqs, 11; religious
affairs, 14-15; commercial decline, 17;
political weakness, 18; Zubov expedi-
tion, 40, 41, 42; Tsitsianov wants to
take, 74; role in Russo-Iranian rivalry,
130; See also Caucasus (Eastern)
Derbent-Qobbeh: 10;religious affairs, 12;
opposes Zubov expedition, 45; taken by
Russia, 86, 87; Russian legal reforms in,
- See also Caucasus (Eastern)
Derzhavin, Gabriel: poem on Russian cap-
ture of Derbent, 32; "On the Return of
Count Zubov from Persia," 45
Dorrani (Afghans), 123
East India Company (British): financial
problems, 26; reforms in 1770s, 27;
residency at Bushehr (Iran), 123; in
charge of British relations with Iran
(1824 on), 155
East India Companies (European) ,31,32,33
(Haji) Ebrahim: argues for Iranian claim to
Georgia, 94-95; death, 114
Ebrahim Khalil (Qarabagh khan): extends
authority outside khanate, 19; relations
with Russia, 37-38, 53, 54, 87-88;
clash with Aqa Mohammad, 41; sides
with Iran, 69; relative enters Russian
service, 148. See also Caucasus (Eastern)
Echmiadzin: Armenian religious center, 13;
Catholicos of, 29, 63; battle at, 96, 120
Egypt, 2 7
Elizabeth (tsaritsa), 31
Elizavetpol': 83, 84. See also Ganjeh