Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1


Preface ix

Acknowledgments xiii

Map of Central Asia about 1800 xiv

Map of the Caucasus about 1800 xv

I. Introduction: The Early Stages of Russo-Iranian Relations 3

II. The Iranian Empire and the Caucasian
Borderlands at the End of the Eighteenth Century 8

III. Russian Expansion under Catherine the Great 22

IV. Russian Policy: Questions and Continuity 46

V. Russia's Conquest of the Eastern Caucasus 66

VI. The Origins of the First Russo-Iranian War 91

VII. The War, 1804-1813 99

VIII. France and Britain in Iran 123

IX. The Consequences of the Struggle for the Eastern Caucasus 145

X. Conclusions 162

Notes 169

Bibliography 191

Index 207
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