The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

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"Achaean" (dialect), 8, 24
Aeolic (dialect), 8, 39-40, 222—24
Ahmose of Thebes, king, 57, iO4n
aikavartanna, I4in, 145
Ajjul, Tell el (Gaza), 102
AlacaHuyuk, 189, 190
Alalakh, 56, 105
Albright, William, 137
Aleppo, 56, 227
Alexander the Great, 183
Amarna letters, 59
amber, 22, 171, 179
Amenhotep II, 89, 120
Ammisaduga, 72, 228
Amorites (amurru), 47, 48, 57, 106,
Anatolia, eastern. See Armenia
Anittas: of Kushshara, 119; the text,
ANSHE.KUR, 83, I4in
Anthony, David, 31
Aplachanda of Carchemish, 99, 112,
Arabic, 37
Arcado-Cypriote (dialect), 8, 38, 39
Aristotle, 112
Armenia (eastern Anatolia), 32—34, 36,
107, 182-83, 229; decline during
second millennium B.C., I57n;
horses and chariots in, 107, 112—20,
125-26, 129, 139-40, 148-49, 201
"Armenian hypothesis," 32—35, 36, 54,
132, 139-40, 148-49
Armenian (language), I57n
Aryan: gods, 61, 142, 151—52, 155—
56; language, 57, 58—59, 61, 62,
140—42, 151, 183—84; names, 58—
59, 61, 62, 150, 227; "race," xiii, 5,
Aryanism, 147

Aryans (Aryan speakers): in Egypt, 57,
227n; in India, 5n, 15,62—63, 133,
200; in Levant, 58—60, 72, 73, 133,
139, 142, 150, 227; in Mitanni, 60-
62, 72, 73, 139-46, 150, 154, 183;
synonym for PIE speakers, xiii, 4, 5n
Ashur-uballit I, 61
Ashvamedha, 151
Ashvins. See Heavenly Twins
ashwash, 141, 145
ass, 74, 75, Sin
Attic (dialect), 216
Attica, 187-90, 211
Avaris, 57, iO4n
*ayos, 35-36
Babylon, 56, 58, 72, 105, 228; date of
Mursilis's sack, 15, 56, 136-37, 158
Beloch, K. J., 7, 9
Best, Jan G. P., 21, 180
bilingualism, 48, 52—53, 62, 66, 68,
bit, 76, 93, 94-97, 102, 103, 106,
109, 114, 125, 133, 160—61, 163,
Blegen, Carl, 11—15, 42 > 44> 1 &4
Boghazkoy, 63, 65, 66, 90, 113. See
also Hattusas
Bopp, Franz, 4, 25
Bosch-Gimpera, Pedro, 28, 29
bow, composite, 86—87, 89, 100, 165,
Breasted, James, 10, 123—24, 179
Buhen horse, 103
Carchemish, 113
Carpathian Basin, 27, 28, 74, 108,
109, no, 148, 198-99
"Carpathian hypothesis," 27, 3in, 63n,
130, 132, I48n

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