The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

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Caskey, John, 18, 19, 20, 41, 43
Cavaignac, Eugene, 54
Chadwick, John, 16,41, 164, 208—13
Chagar Bazar, 48, 97, 98—99, 101, 118
chariot: in Armenia, 115—20, 125—26,
129, 201; associated with hyksos,
102—3, IO 4 n> 156; in Carpathian
Basin, no, 199; construction and re-
pair of, 84—86, 92, in—12, 174—75;
earliest appearance, 93—94, 97—99,
106, 107-11, 115-17, 118-19,
124—25, 128—30, 200; earliest use in
hunting, 100; in Egypt, 86, 92,
102—3, iO4n, 120, 137; in Eurasian
steppe, 96, 109—11, 118—19, 149; in
Fertile Crescent, 86-88, 97-99,
100—101, 105, 129—30; in Greece,
86, 92, 146, 153, 158-66, 169—70,
172—77; in Hatti, 86, 88, 8gn, 93—
94, 101-2, 104—6; in India, 86, 92,
155—56; in Kassite Babylon, 154—55;
in Linear B tablets, 163—64; in Mi-
tanni, 150, 154; in Museo Archeolo-
gico (Florence), 84, 120; place of in-
vention, 107—11, 125; prestige
vehicle, 84, 93-94, 98—101, 108—
ii, 116-17, 176-77; in scholarship
on PIE speakers, 26—27, 107-8, 121—
22, 124-25, 128-30, 134—35, 136—
48, 151-53
chariot warfare: earliest evidence for,
100—106, 118—20, 149, 158, 177,
200—201; in Greece, 164—70; in Hit-
tite Old Kingdom, Sgn, 104; nature
of, 86-89, 92 J PIE speakers' associa-
tion with, 122, 124—30, 135, 136—
57, 198-99, 200-201; varying as-
sumptions about date of origins, 122,
124-26, 136-38, 143, 144-45, J 47
Charsamna, 113
Childe, V. Gordon, 26, 124, 139
China, 116
chronology: of chariots and chariot war-
fare, 93-106, 109-10, in, 115-16,
119, 136-37, 143, 144-45, 147,
156-67, 158, 200-201; of early-
Mesopotamian history, 15, 56, 136-
37, I38n, 153, 158; of Hittite Old
Kingdom, 15, 158; of Indus Valley
civilization, 15, 28, 62—63; of Knos-
sos Linear B tablets, 194-95^ 21 in;

of PIE speakers' arrival in Greece {see
"coming of the Greeks"); of PIE
speakers' dispersal (see Indo-European
"coming of the Greeks": Blegen's view,
11—15; dated 2800 B.C., 30, 45n;
dated 2100 B.C., 17-20, 42, 43—44,
45; dated 1900 B.C., 11-15, 29, 36-
37, 41-45, I36-37. '53, !7 2 , !99i
dated 1600 B.C., 21—24, 4', 42 , 45,
126, 137, 170, 181; dated 1200
B.C., 16—17; early opinions on date,
8—9; recent views on, 16-24
copper. See *ayos
corselet (sharyan; breastplate), 88, 166,
Crete: destruction 1200 B.C., 2i7n; Do-
rians in, 203, 210—II, 221, 222;
horse and chariot in, 161, 163—64,
182, 184, 194; non-Greek popula-
tion in, 218; Proto-Greek conquests
in, 182, 184, 194, 210-11
Grassland, R. A., 35
Crouwel, J. H., 108, 162, 172, 173,
Curtius, Ernst, 6-7
Cyprus, 182
Dark Age ( I7th—i6th cent. B.C.), 55,
60, 66, 72-73, 177
de Coulanges, N. D. Fustel, 6
Delaporte, Louis, 54
Delebecque, Edouard, 63
Dendra: corselet, 166, i67n; horse skel-
etons, 82n, 162—63
Dereivka, 75n, 109
Desborough, Vincent: his 1964 views
on Dorian migration, 206-7, 2I3"
14, 215; his 1972 views, 2O7n, 216
des Noettes, Commandant Lefebvre, 77
destruction levels (in Greece): ca. 2100
B.C., 18—20, 42, 43; ca. 1900 B.C.,
12, 18, 42n; ca. 1600 B.C., 42—43,
184; ca. 1200 B.C., 17, 205, 206-7,
Devoto, Giacomo, 27, 29
Diakonoff, I. M., II, 27, 146—47
dialects, Greek: 25, 37—41; early theo-
ries on, 8—9, 24, 36—37. See also
"Achaean" (dialect); Aeolic (dialect);
Arcado-Cypriote; Attic (dialect);
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