The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

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Doric (dialect); Ionic; North Greek;
South Greek (East Greek)
Dioscuri. See Heavenly Twins
Dorian Invasion, 44, 203—25
Doric (dialect), 39, 40, 203, 208—14,
216, 219-20
Doris (Dryopis), 204, 222
Drower, Margaret, 155
Early Trans Caucasian culture, 36, 114—
15, I57n
*tkwOi, 121
Elamite (language), dy\, W. B., 103
Eurasian steppe, 26, 29, 30, 74-75,
76, 80-81, 96, 108, 109, in—12,
Evans, Sir Arthur, n, 23, 169, 179;
date for Knossos Linear B tablets,
194—95n, 21 in
Ezekiel, 113
Pick, August, 13
Finley, M. I., 19—20
Florence (Museo Archeologico), 84, 120
Forrer, Emil, 226
Gamkrelidze, T. V., and Ivanov, V. V.,
32-35, 54, 131, 132, 148-49, 201
Gelb, Ignace, 48
Gimbutas, Marija, 27, 29—31, 33, 38,
77, 131-32
Goetze, Albrecht, 107, 124
gold, in LH Greece, 22, 171, 178, 180,
181, 185, 186, 188, 191
Grave Circle A, 22—24, J59—6'. Il°~
7i;stelai, 159—60, 178, 180, 188
Grave Circle B, 22—24, 159—61, 180,
Great King, 48, 56, 60, 62, 66, 70,
71, 72, 73, 105
Greek. See Proto-Greek (Common
Greek); North Greek; South Greek;
the several dialects
Greenhalgh, P.A.L., 165-66
Grote, George, 3—4, 204
Gurney, Oliver, 49, 70, 71, 88

Haley,J. B., 13
Hammurabi, 47, 56, 72, 100, 136—37,

Hangar, Franz, 107, 108, 114, 129-30,
hapiru, 69, ?on
Hatti, 49, 52—53, 54—55, 64—65, 68—
Hattic (language), 48, 49, 52, 55, 64-
Hattusas, 66-67, 86, 104; location,
Hattusilis I, 56, 66-68, 70, 71, 104—6,
119, 156, 158; Annals of, 66-67, 71
Hausler, Alexander, 30—31, 108
Heavenly Twins (Ashvins; Dioscuri),
Hehn, Victor, 121—22
Hellen, 3, 192
helots, 195, 219—20, 224
Heracles, 204, 213, 221
Heraclidae, Return of, 8n, 204—5, 2II>
212, 213, 216, 220
Hermes, Gertrud, 26—27, IO7> I25~
27, 128-29, 136-37, 139, 147
Herodotus, 112, 128, 203—4, 220, 222
Heth, 64
"Hieroglyphic Hittite," 68
Hirt, Herman, 122—23
Hittite (language), 14—15, 50—51, 64-
65, 66, 67, 90; relation to Indo-Eu-
ropean family, 49, 50—52, 200
Hittite Law Code, 69, 228—29
Hittites (Hittite speakers), xiv, 63—64;
discovery of, 14-15, 124; early dates
for, 136; "invasion" of, 14-15, 30,
48—50, 53—54, 66, 72, 136-38, 200;
name, 63—65; "race," 53—54; use of
chariots, 86, 88-89, 9°> 92 > IO4~5>
i65n, 228—29
Homer, xi, 36—37, 165, i67n, 168
Hood, Sinclair, 17, 186-87
horse: in Armenia, 80, 107, 112—16,
118—19, 201; as draft animal, 77—78,
82, 83-84, 88-89, 93. 9<5n, 99-
100, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127,
133, 138; in Egypt, 102—3; in Eu-
rope, 27, 74, 75, 80; in Fertile Cres-
cent, 78—80, 96—101; as food animal,
74—75, 82, 122-23; in Greece, 22,
78, 81-82, 162-63, l82> 189-90,
191; in Hatti, 93—94, 101—2; natural
habitat, 74, 90, 108-9, 112, 132; as
pack animal, 75-76; as riding ani-

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