The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

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horse (font.)
mal, 76, 8in, 82-83, 94, I09, IJ9>
124, 128, 131, 165—66; as ritual ani-
mal, 130, 151, 190; in scholarship
on PIE speakers ("Indo-Europeans"),
22, 26—27, I2J—35, r 5 J—5 2 > J53;
size in Bronze Age, 74—75, 77—78,
I04n, 189; skeletal evidence for, 78,
82nn, 103, 104, 112, 162—63, 189—
90; in southern Russia, 74—76, 80—
81; speed, 84; training of (for char-
iots), 89—92, 142—45; at Troy, 81-
82, 94
Houwink ten Gate, Philo H. )., 101—2,
104, 106, 229
Hrozny, Bedrich, 14, 53
Hurri, land of, 47—48, 105, 119
Hurrian (language), 48, 58—59, 88, 90
Hurrians (Hurrian speakers), 48, 57,
59, 61-62, 119, 125—26, 129—30,
142-46, 153, 155
Hyksos (hyksos), 57—58, 72, 102—3,
120, 153, 172, 173-74, 22?n
Iliad, 216; Catalog of the Ships, 193—
94, 221-22; horses in, 163, 164
India, Aryan conquest of, 6, 28, 62—63,
150, 182—84, I95, 229—30
Indo-European dispersal (in previous
scholarship): date of, 9, 15, 28—31,
35—38, 63n, 123, 125—26, 127; rea-
sons for, 63n, 138, I48n
Indo-European homeland: Armenia, 32—
35, 54; Bactria, 5, 25—26; Carpa-
thian Basin, 27; early attempts to lo-
cate, 4—5, 25—26; northern Europe,
5, 26—27; Pripet Marshes, 26; south-
ern Russia 26—27
Indo-European language family, 4, 28,
33, 34,49, 58, H8, 157"
Indo-European "race," 4—5, 6-7
Indo-Hittite, 51
Indo-Iranian. See Aryan: language
Indra, 155—56
Indus Valley civilization: destruction,
62—63; discovery and early dating of,
15, 28
infiltrations, 47—55
lolkos, 192
Ionic, 24, 38, 39—41, 216
Iran, 4, 50

Italy, 15, 198—99
Ivanov, V. V. See Gamkrelidze, T. V.

Japheth, 25
Jones, Sir William, 4
Kadesh, battle of, 92
Kammenhuber, Annelies, 129—30,
140-47, 183
Kamose, 103
Kassite (language), 48, 58, I54n
Kassites (Kassite speakers), 58, 72, 92,
Kikkuli, 90; Treatise of, 90—91, 124,
129-30, 140-41, 144—45, J54, J 83
Knossos, 163—64, 194, 195, 209,
2iin, 212,218
Kossina, Gustav, 123
Kretschmer, Paul, 8, 13, 24, 26, 38
Kiihn, Herbert, 31-32
Kiiltepe, 48, 52, 53, 64, 93, 94, 98,
113, 118
"Kurgan hypothesis," 29—30, 33, 131—
kurgans, 24, 29, i85n, 188, 189—90
Kushshara, 66, 70, 71
Kuthaean Legend of Naram-Sin, 229-

Labarnas. See Hattusilis I.
Lacedaemonia, 185—86
Landsberger, Benno, 226
Lchashen, 115—18, 161
Lerna, 18, 41, 43, 82
Lewy, Julius, 228
Linear B tablets, 38—39, 40, 163, 167,
169, 170, 209-11, 218
Littauer, Mary, 108, 172
Lorimer, Helen, 168
Luwian (language), 50, 66, 67—68
Luwians (Luwian speakers), 19, 2On,
LU.ashshusbshani, 90, 151

Mahabharata, 155
Maikop, 24
Malthi, 82
Manatt, J. I., 21
Manda, 226-27; Manda warriors (in
Hittite Law Code), 69, 228—29
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