Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Medieval warriors and warfare

48 Peter Lorge also rejects the assertion that firearms drove political change, rather than the other way
around. See The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb, 45–65.
49 Stephen Morillo, “Guns and Government: A Comparative Study of Europe and Japan.”
50 Thomas D. Conlan, “Instruments of Change: Organizational Technology and the Consolidation of
Regional Power in Japan, 1333–1600,” and Weapons and Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Warrior,
1200–1877, 142–179.
51 Friday, “Kisha no ayumi no ichikōsatsu: chūsei Nihon ni okeru kokka to bunka to gijutsu.”
52 The most comprehensive treatment of naval warfare to date in English is Peter Shapinky’s Lords of the
Sea: Pirates, Violence, and Commerce in Late Medieval Japan.


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