Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Page numbers in italics denote tables.


Abe family 338, 339
Abé Ryūchi 302, 303
Abe Shinzō 175
Abe Takehiko 205
Abe Takeshi 317
Abe Yasurō 333, 339
Abutsu (1222–1283) 283–4
Ackroyd, Joyce 276
Adolphson, Mikael S. 99–115, 166, 222, 241–2
adultery 209
Age of the Country at War 172, 173, 178, 179, 180;
see also Sengoku period
Age of the Gods 58–9, 63
Agency for Cultural Affairs (Bunkachō) 56
agriculture 369, 377–81, 386; diet and food
production 384–5; dry fields 14, 27, 118, 124,
268, 378, 379, 381, 384; historiography 381–2;
legal codes 89, 90; and mountainous environment
382; plant-gathering 382–3, 384, 386;
polyculture 379–80; swidden farming 383–4; see
also rice cultivation
Aidani Kumahara, Shiga prefecture 56
Ainu people 61, 121
Akamatsu Mitsusuke 303
Akashi Kazunori 205
Akiyama Kenzō 39, 44
akutō (“evil bands”) 141–2
alchemy 367
almsgiving 220
Amano Tarō 19
Amateratsu, Sun Goddess 276, 380, 381
Amino Yoshihiko 4, 19, 45, 127, 141, 142, 149,
160, 172, 176, 266, 281, 299, 300, 301, 305, 306,
317, 318, 381, 391
An Lushan Rebellion 358
ancestral-master veneration (soshi shinkō) 337–8
ancient or antiquity age see archaic era; kodai
(“ancient” or “antiquity”) age
Andō family 148
Andō Hiromichi 384
Andreeva, Anna 239

animal corpses, disposal of 297–8, 299
anime 178, 180
Ankan, Emperor (534–535) 78
Anotsu 397
Anthropocene era 28
anthropological archaeology 61
antiquarians in Japan 56–7, 57–8, 60–1, 64
Aoki Kazuo 85
Aomori Tōru 299
Aono Yasuyuki 24
Aoyanagi 63
Arai Hakuseki (1657–1725) 58, 63, 64, 158, 159
Arainekota, Fukushima prefecture 393
Araki Moriaki 205, 265
Araki Toshio 204
“archaeological geography” 15
archaeology 47, 127; commerce and urbanization
390, 392–4, 397, 398; development of in Japan
59–60; and environmental history 30; Jōmon
epoch 55, 56, 57, 58, 59–66, 64; public display of
56–7; and religion in the archaic era 187, 188–9,
190–2, 193–4, 195, 197; and the state formation
debate 71–3; study of in Japan 55–6; Yayoi
period 55, 56–7, 58, 59, 60, 62–4
archaic era (c.14,000 bce–c.700 ce) 3, 15, 39, 70, 72;
gender and family relationships 203–5; religion
aristocracy: Heian period 104; and the ritsuryō state
87, 88–9
Arizono Shōichirō 385
Arnesen, Peter 179
arukimiko 305
Asaba 397
Asakawa Kan’ichi 4, 87, 171
Asakura Shoten 30–1
Asao Naohiro 163
Ashikaga period (1336–1573) 99, 109, 142–3, 144,
148, 157, 174
Ashikaga shoguns 340
Ashikaga Takauji 5
Ashikaga Yoshimasa 284
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