Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358–1408, r. 1368–1394)
109, 142, 160–1, 173
Ashikaga Yoshinori (1394–1441) 143, 303
“Asiatic Model of Production” 70, 127
Askroyd, Joyce 158
Association for the Research on Historical Education
(Rekishi kyōiku kenkyūkai) 276–7
astrology (sukuyōdō) 368, 369
astronomy 366, 367, 368, 369, 370
Asuka period (c.600–710) 2, 68; religion 187, 195–7,
234; see also Yamato period
Asuka Sango 337
Asukadera (temple) 78, 240
Atlas Historique de Kyoto (Fiévé) 216
Awake in the Night (Sayo no nezame) (Kaneyoshi)
Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568–1600) 2
Azuma kagami (“Mirror of the East”) 4, 315

baichō (“satellite tombs”) 75
barley 380, 381, 385
Barnes, Gina 193, 194, 196, 236, 238
Barrett, Timothy 238
bathing culture 177
Batten, Bruce L. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 90
Battle of Paekchon River (663) 43, 83
Bauer, Mikaël 233–47, 332
beans 379, 381, 384, 385
Becker, Carl 1
beggars 297, 298, 300, 301, 302–3; see also outcasts
and marginalized people
Berry, Mary Elizabeth 139, 146, 172, 176
biodiversity 382
Blair, Heather 243
Bleed, Peter 55–6, 57–8, 64
“Blue Stockings” (Hiratsuka) 279
Blum, Mark L. 340
Bokeisi no kenkyū (“Study of Matrilineal Descent
System”) (Takamure) 279
Bolitho, Harold 176
border zones, and commerce 395–7
Borgen, Robert 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47
Bosei o tou: Rekishiteki hensen (“Questioning
Motherhood: Historical Transformations”)
(Women’s History Research Collective) 281
Brazell, Karen 284
Breen, John 238
British Museum 58, 63
bronze bells 56, 62–3, 192
bronze mirrors 63, 68, 69, 73, 74, 78, 192, 193, 194
bronze weapons 63, 192
Brown, Delmer 4, 319, 353
Brown, Philip C. 28
buckwheat (soba) 379, 383, 385
Buddhism 39, 119–20, 147, 166, 235; Asuka period
195–7; Chinese influence 339–40; and Daoism
237; doctrinal texts 242–3; introduction to Japan

78, 187, 193, 234, 235; and kami worship 335–6;
medieval period (chūsei) 330–41; Nara and Heian
periods 239–43; and Shintō 238–9; and
sovereignty 241; women’s roles in 233–4, 239,
275, 334–5
Buddhist Law 108, 109, 222, 241
Buddhist temples 146, 223–4, 233, 240–1; Heian
period 103–4, 105–6, 107, 108, 109, 111; post-
ritsuryō period 121, 123; provincial 120; see also
temples and shrines (jisha or sōke)
burial mounds 193; circular (gunshūfun) 77, 78;
corridor-style horizontal (yokoana-shiki-sekishitu)
77–8; Early Kofun period 73–4; keyhole-shaped
(zenpō-kōen; kofun) 68–9, 71–2, 73–5, 77, 78, 79,
193; and kinship structures 203–4; Kofun period
193–4; Late Kofun period 77–9; Middle Kofun
period 74–7
bushi 314, 316, 321; origins of 310–13; see also
Butler, Lee 172–3, 177

cadastral maps 14, 17, 18–20
cairns 76
Carr, Kevin 235
Carter, Harold 217
Carter, Steven D. 284
Cavanagh, Carole 209
center–periphery relationship 116, 127–9; medieval
period 138–49; post-ritsuryō period 121–7;
ritsuryō state period 116–21; Sengoku period
ceramics, Chinese 47, 394, 397; see also pottery
chemistry 366, 367
cherry-blossom viewing parties 24
chickenpox 256
Chiedaa Daishi 398
chiefdom 71, 73, 77
chigyō system 176
Chiha Tokuji 383
Chikotsu Dai’e (1229–1312) 338
Childe, Gordon 216–17
Childs, Margaret H. 284
China: Japanese relationship with, classical period
38–42, 44–5, 46–7; Japanese relationship with,
medieval period 148–9; science 365–6, 367–9
Chinese ceramics 47, 394, 397
“Chinese science” 365–6
chō (lot) 16
Chōgen (1121–06) 337
Chōkei, Emperor (r. 1368–1383) 159
Chōnen 254
Chongshu ganyuan coinage 358
Chōshū domain 18
Chōsokabe chikenchō 18–19
Christy, Alan S. 21n29, 21n30
Chuigong code 83
chūsei see medieval period
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