Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Chūsei Nihongi (“medieval chronicles of Japan”) 336
Chushi school of neo-Confucian philosophy see Juxi
school of neo-Confucian philosophy
Chūyūki (Fujiwara Munetada) 222–3
Chye Kiang Heng 217
circular burial mounds (gunshūfun) 77, 78
city planning: Chinese influence on 18–19; classical
period 15–17; medieval period 18–20
Claessen, Henry 71
class-consciousness: Sengoku period 179
classical period 3; coins and commerce 353–60;
court-provinces relationship 116–29; gender and
family relationships 205–10; historical geography
15–17; Japan’s relationship with the continent
38–47, 48n5; national boundaries and identity
45–6; subdivisions 7n11; see also ritsuryō state
clay figurines 191
climate change 24–5, 28
climate, of Japan 24
coinage in the classical period 353–4, 359–60; Heian
period 354, 358–9; later seventh century period
354–6; Nara period 354, 356–8
Collcutt, Martin 5, 340
Collingwood, Robin 1, 6
commerce: medieval period 139, 141, 142, 145,
Como, Michael 235, 236
Confucianism 233, 234, 239
Conlan, Thomas 165–6, 316, 318, 319, 320
continent, Japan’s relationship with: classical period
38–47, 48n5; medieval period 145, 148–9, 172
copper coins 354–5, 356, 358–9; see also coinage in
the classical period
copper mining 353, 356
corpses, disposal of 299, 302
corridor-style horizontal burial mounds (yokoana-
shiki-sekishitu) 77–8
corvée labor (zōyō) 86, 118, 123, 207, 221, 268, 357
Coser, Lewis A. 132n40
cosmology 191, 340, 370
counterfeit coins 357, 358
court nobles (kōke or kuge) 107; see also kenmon
Country at War, Age of see Age of the Country at
craftsmen 221, 222; classical period 117; as outcasts
298, 304
Craig, Albert 39
Crump, James Jr. 87
culture: influence of environment on 26
cultures of learning (shūgaku) 338, 339
currency 353, 354, 360; in-kind 356; later seventh
century 354–6; see also coinage in the classical

Dahrendorf, Ralf 132n40
Dai Jianguo 83
Daigo, Emperor (885–930, r. 897–930) 208

Daigoji (temple) 222, 337
daimyō 146, 147–8, 320; Muromachi period 142,
143; Sengoku period 143–5, 172, 174, 175, 176,
179; see also sengoku daimyō
Daisen tomb 74, 76
Dajōin jisha zōjiki 304, 306
Daoism 194, 234, 236–8, 239, 243
Daye code 82
Dazaifu, Chikuzen province 63, 91, 121
death pollution 298–9, 300, 303
debts, of peasants 271–2
deer imagery 192
deforestation 28, 29
demography 248, 259; four demographic cycles
248–9; geographic analysis of populations 14;
growth period, 1300–1700 249, 256–9, 258 ;
Heian period 248, 249, 254–5; Jōmon period
248, 249, 250; Kamakura (city) 394; Kamakura
period 248, 255–6; Kofun period 248, 249, 251;
Nara period 251–4, 253 ; population size in 1750
29, 31; Yayoi period 248, 249, 250, 251
Dening, Walter 4
Departed Spirit Rituals (goryōe) 220
Deshims, Nagasaki 63
Dharma assemblies 338, 339
Diamond, Jared 29
diet and food production 384–5
Digital Repository of Japanese Archaeological
Reports 64
diplomatic missions to China: classical period 38;
Yamato period 69
disabled people 301, 303; see also outcasts and
marginalized people
discrimination see outcasts and marginalized people
Dobbins, James 238
doctrinal texts 242–3
Dōgen 331, 334
Dolce Lucia 340
double cropping 268, 271
dry fields 14, 27, 118, 124, 268, 378, 379, 381, 384
Duby, Georges 275
Dutch East India Company 55
Dutch-Learning (Rangaku) scholars 365

Early Kofun period 68; state formation 69, 70, 71,
73–4, 79
early medieval period 3; religion 331; warfare
315–18; see also medieval period (chūsei)
early modern period 1, 3; sustainability 29
earthquakes 24, 26, 397
Eason, David 181n39
East Asia: “new urban paradigm” 217; Japanese
relationship with, classical period 38, 43–5, 46–7
East Asian monsoon 24
East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 368
Ebisawa Miki 283
ecological footprints 28
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