Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Gay, Suzanne 147, 238
Geertz, Clifford 71, 241
Genbō 242
gender 275; Heian period (794–1185) 208–10;
Jōmon period (14,000 bce–500 bce) 203; Kofun
period 203–5; medieval period 167, 172, 275–85;
and religion 233–4; ritsuryō state 205–8; and rural
life 272; Yayoi period 203
“Gender and Culture Project, The” 275
Genmei, Empress (661–721) 233
Genpei jōsuiki (“Account of the Rise and Fall of the
Minamoto and Taira”) 4
Genpei War (1180–1185) 103, 256, 310, 313, 314,
315, 317, 318
genshi (“primordial”) age 2, 3; archaeological epochs
6n4; see also archaic era (c.14,000 bce–c.700 ce)
Gentz, Michael 243
“geoarchaeology” 15
geography see historical geography
giants 60
GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 14, 17, 26
Go-Daigo, Emperor (r. 1318–1339) 5, 141, 142,
158, 159–60
Go-Hōjō family 144; primary sources 178–9
Go-Sanjō, Emperor (1034–1073, r. 1068–1072) 105
Go-Shirakawa, Emperor (1127–1192, r. 1155–1158)
224, 225, 314, 395
Go-Sukōin, Emperor 167
Go-Toba, Emperor (1180–1239, r. 1183–1198) 305
Go-Uda, Emperor (1267–1334, r. 1274–1287)
Goble, Andrew 159, 160, 167, 303
goddess worship 191
Gods, Age of see Age of the Gods
Gojōno-Marayuma (Misa-Marayuma) tomb 78
gold mining 353
golden seal 63
Gomi Fumihiko 278, 316
gokenin (“honorable housemen”) 140, 141
Goodwin, Janet R. 283, 296–309
Goody, Jack 278
Goseibai shikimoku 393
Gotō Michiko 282–3
Governors, provincial 119, 141, 221, 224; see also
Granoff, Phyllis 243
Grapard, Allan 238–9, 335
grave goods: bronze mirrors 63, 68, 69, 73, 74, 78,
192, 193, 194; Early Kofun period 73; iron armor
68, 69, 74, 75, 77, 78; Jōmon period 190–1;
Kofun period 193–4; Late Kofun period 77–9;
Middle Kofun period 74–7; Yayoi period 192–3
Great East Japan Earthquake, 2011 20
“great men” view of history 160, 176
Great Purification Rite (ōharae) 207
Great Smallpox Epidemic (735–737) 46
green manure 384

grid plans (jōbō-sei) for cities 16–17
Grossberg, Kenneth 5
Gukanshō (“Excerpts by a Foolish Official”) (Jien) 4
gunji (head of district office) 118–19
gunkimono (wartales) 315
Gyōnen (1240–1321) 334

Hachirō-mauto 359–60
Hai Dōzen 396
Hakata 392, 396–7
Hall, John Whitney 5, 39, 87, 143, 144, 146, 148,
162, 171–2, 175–6, 179
Han dynasty, China (25–25) 63
Han empire 55
Hanihara Kazurō 251
Hannyaji (temple) 302, 303
Hanshun 107
Hara Hidesaburō 70–1
Hara Katsurō 4, 311
Harada Masatoshi 340
Harootunian, Harry 176
Harunari Hideji 192
Harvey, David 243
Hashihaka tumulus, Sakurai City 68, 69
Hashimoto Masanobu 164
Hashimoto Yoshihiko 101
Haub, Carl 31n1
Hayakawa Shōhachi 85, 88
Hayami Akira 252, 254, 258
Hayashi Makamoto 237
Hayashi Razan 58
Hayashiya Tatsusabūro 298
Hayek, Matthias 237
Heian period (794–1185) 2, 3, 59, 217, 248, 249,
254–5; coinage and currency 354, 358–9; court
structure 99–111; gender and family relationships
208–10; labor and economy 209–10; legal codes
89; national boundaries and identity 45; outcasts
and marginalized people 297; regency 100–1,
103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110–11; religion
233–43; royal-court state 101–5, 110; trade
relations 45; warriors and warfare 310, 311, 312,
313, 316, 317, 320
Heian-kyō see Kyoto (Heian-kyō)
Heiji Incident (1159) 314
Heijō see Nara (Heijō-kyō)
Heike monogatari (“Tale of the Heike”) 4, 315, 317,
heinō bunri 179–80
Heizei, Emperor (774–824, r. 806–809) 100
Hérail, Francine 5
hermits 337
Hida gofudoki 382–3
Hidesato-ryū Fujiwara 313
Higashi Myō, Saga prefecture 56
Himiko, Queen 56, 63, 64, 70, 187, 192, 193, 203,
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