Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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hinin (non-humans) 225, 297, 299, 301, 302, 306; see
also outcasts and marginalized people
Hino Meishi (?–1358) 280, 284
Hino Tomiko 284
Hirade Masanori 174
Hiraga Gennai (1728–1780) 364
Hiraizumi Fujiwara family 148
Hiraizumi Kiyoshi 264
Hirakawa Minami 31
Hirano shrine 220
Hirata Atsutane 62–3
Hiratsuka Raichō 279
Hirohito, Emperor 164
Hirose Kazuo 71–2
historical anthropology 266
historical geography 13–15, 127, 382; classical
period 15–17; influence of related disciplines 19;
medieval period 17–20; national boundaries and
identity in the classical period 45–6; prehistoric
epoch 15; recent trends 19–20
Hitachi fukodi 60
Hitachi province: demography 252
Hobbes, Thomas 254
Hobsbawm, Eric 380–1
Hōenzaka site 74
Hōgetsu Keigo 381
Hōjō family 5, 148
Hōjō Masako 276
Hōjōji (temple) 235
Hōjōki (An Account of a Ten-Foot-Square Hut) 26
Hokkaido 23, 60; physical environment 27
Hokkeji 334–5
homesteads (etakuchi) 118, 124
Hōnen 332, 334
Honshu 23; climate 25; physical environment 24
honzōgaku (“nature studies”) 364
Hori Ichirō 336–7
Hori Toshikazu 87
Horikawa, Emperor (1079–1107, r. 1086–1107)
106, 223
Hōrin 197
Horiuchi Kazuaki 312
horses 68, 76, 317–18
Hoshino Hisashi 4
Hosshōji (temple) 223–4, 235, 240
Hossō school of Buddhism 233, 239, 240, 334
Hotate Michihisa 219, 220, 221, 281–2
Hou Han shu 63
household organizations 109–10
household registers 117, 118, 121, 122, 205, 252
Hudson, Mark 61, 189, 190, 192, 251
human corpses, disposal of 299, 302
human occupation of Japan 59
Huo guan coinage 355
Hurst, G. Cameron 5, 90, 104, 162
hyakushō see peasants
hypermodernity, and archaeology 56

ichien (single proprietorships) 139
Ichijō (First Street), Nara 16
Ichijō family 282–3
Ichijōdani 18
Ichijōin (temple) 241
Ichikawa no Tsubone 283
Ichikawa Rie 220
ichimi dōshin (“community of spirits”) 270
ie (house or household) 277–8, 285
ie no tsuma (“house-wife”) 283
Ihara Kesao 110, 241
Ijūin Yōko 202–15
Ike Susumu 146, 163–4, 176
Ikeda On 83
Ikegami, Eiko 177–8, 316
Ikegami Hiroko 172, 175, 176
ikki (“leagues”) 142, 145, 146–7, 262, 263, 264, 265,
266, 267, 270
ikkō ikki 146–7, 265
“Illustrated Agricultural Calendar” (Nōgyō zue) 380
Imagawa house: primary sources 178–9
Imagawa Yoshimoto 171
Imai Shōnosuke 318
Imamura Yoshio 319
Imatani Akira 143, 160–1
imperial court: economics of court families 167;
Heian period 99–111; medieval period 157–67;
relationship with provinces, classical period
116–29; relationship with provinces, medieval
period 138–49; relationship with shogunate,
Sengoku period 173–4
imperial palace, Nara (Heijō-kyō) 16
Inagaki Yasuhiko 265
Inariyama shrine 220, 226
infant mortality, Nara period 253, 253 , 254
influenza epidemics 255, 256
inheritance practices: Heian period 209; medieval
period 140; see also succession
Inoue Kiyoshi 277, 278–9
Inoue Mitsuo 312, 316
Inoue Mitsusada 39, 40, 43, 84, 85, 88, 205, 330
insei (rule by retired emperors) 104, 105–7, 108, 111
intellectual history, Sengoku period 177–8
“interim ruler” theory 204
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
(Nichibunken) 30–1
internet, and historical geography 14
inujinin 297, 299, 301, 303
Invented Tradition 380
Ippen (1239–1289) 334, 393–4
Ippen shōnin ekotoba 300, 302
Ireibaru, Okinawa 56
iron armor 68, 69, 74, 75, 77, 78
Irumada Nobuo 314
Ise Jingu 193
Ise Taira 105, 106, 224, 256; see also Kanmu Heishi
Isei teikin ōrai 367
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