Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Kujō Masamoto (1445–1516) 263
Kūkai (774–835) 336, 368
Kume Kunitake 4
Kurihara Hiromu 280
Kuroda family 63
Kuroda Hideo 281, 300–1, 303, 305, 306, 378, 381
Kuroda Hiroku 281
Kuroda Toshio 4, 107, 108, 109, 111, 160, 196, 223,
238, 240, 241, 299, 300, 306, 330, 332, 335, 391
Kurohime-yama tumulus 74
Kuroshio (Japanese Current) 24
Kurozuka tomb 73
Kurushima Noriko 146
Kusaka Masayoshi 15
Kusakari tombs 74
Kusha school of Buddhism 239, 338
Kushiki Yoshinori 219, 220, 360
Kusuko Incident 100
Kusukoni Junshō 242
Kūya (?–964) 222
Kyoto (Heian-kyō) 91, 99, 121–2, 391; cherry-
blossom viewing parties 24; classical period 16;
deforestation 28; medieval period 18, 20n11;
urban history 216–26, 391, 392, 398, 399
Kyū Renpeijū, Kagawa prefecture 56
Kyushu 23, 63; physical environment 26, 27;
smallpox epidemics 46

labor: Heian period 209–10; ritsuryō state 207–8
Lachard, Francois 58
Laffin, Christina 283
Lake Biwa 18, 25, 263, 269–70, 393
Lake Suigetsu 25
Lake Suwa 24
lake varves 25, 30
lakes, winter freezing dates 24
Laki fissure, Iceland 25
lamp oil merchants 391, 394
land administration (gunpyō) 84; Heian period
101–2; Kamakura period 138, 139; Muromachi
period 138–9, 143; post-ritsuryō period 121,
122–3, 124, 126; ritsuryō state period 117–18,
landscapes in geography 13–14
Laos 383
Last Glacial Maximum 25
Late Kofun period 68; state formation 71, 77–9
late medieval period 3; warfare 318–21; see also
medieval period (chūsei)
Latter Age of the Dharma 331, 333, 334, 340
leather production 299
Ledyard, Gari 45
legal codes, China 82; early codes 82–3
legal codes, Japan see ritsuryō state
lepers 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303; see also outcasts
and marginalized people
Liao dynasty 47

life expectancy: Jōmon period 250; Nara period
253, 253, 254
ling (Chinese administrative law) 82, 83, 86
Little Hypsithermal Period 25
Little Ice Age 24, 25, 27, 31
local autonomy: medieval period 138; Muromachi
period (1333–1568) 142–5
local history (chihōshi) 179, 264, 390, 392, 394
Low, Morris 364
Lowe, Brian 242
lü (Chinese penal law) 82, 83

McCallum, Donald 235
McCullough, William 43, 45, 47, 202, 280
McMullin, Neil 163
McNeill, William H. 46, 252–3
Makino Shinnosuke 264
Mandate of Heaven 158
Mannen tsūhō coinage 357, 358
Man’yōshū 206, 251
maps: in historical geography 13–14, 16–17, 18–20;
Japan in the tenth century xiv; as primary source
for environmental history 30
marginalized people see outcasts and marginalized
maritime disasters 45–6
maritime power 145, 148–9, 391
Marra, Michel 283
marriage: classical period 202; Heian period 208–9;
medieval period 279–80; ritsuryō state 206; see also
family relationships
martial arts 319
Marx, Karl 132n40
Marxist perspectives 4, 69, 70, 71, 99, 102, 127,
138, 146, 147, 148, 162, 174, 264–5, 281, 313
Masamoto kō tabi hikitsuke (“the charms of the travels
of the noble Masamoto”) 263
Masayoshi Sugimoto 367–9
Mass, Jeffrey 5, 140, 141, 149, 176, 180, 276, 314
Masuo Shin’ichirō 237
mathematics 365, 367, 368, 370, 371n5
Matsumora Kazao 194
Matsumoto Shinpachirō 4, 160, 265
Matsunaga Kazuhiro 173–4
Matsunoo festival 222, 226
Matsuo Kenji 301, 302, 303, 304–5, 333
Matsuro (Shiga prefecture) 57
Matsuura Takeshirō 60
Matsuyama Yoshio 382–3
Matsuzono Hitoshi 331
measles 256
medicine 167, 367, 368
medieval period (chūsei) 2–3, 5, 104; center-
periphery relationship 138–49; commerce and
towns 139, 141, 142, 145, 390–9; family, women
and gender 275–85; historical geography 17–20;
imperial court 157–67; outcasts and marginalized
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