Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Onjōji (temple) 103, 337
onmyōdō (Yin-Yang divination) 235, 237, 239, 241,
243, 339–40
Ooms, Herman 163, 178, 236, 238
open fields (koaza) 17
oral history 392
“Ordinance on Permanent Private Possession of
Reclaimed Fields” (konden einen shizaihō) 89
Oshita Shigetoshi 174–5
Ōshu Kanrei 174
Ōsumi Kazuo 196, 275
Ōsumi Kiyoharu 86
Ōta Naoyuki 341
Ōtomo family 144
Ōtomo, Prince 84
Ōtsu Tōru 87, 90
Ōtsuka Norihiro 333, 334, 340
Ōuchi family 141, 144, 148, 179
outcasts and marginalized people 296–8, 299–301,
306; origins of status 298–9; structure and
control og 302–5
Ōwada (Fukuhara) 225
Oxenboell, Morten 177
Ōyama Estate 109
Ōyama Kyōhei 221, 297–8, 299, 300, 302
Ōyamazaki lamp oil merchants 394
Ozuki family 208

Paekche (Korean kingdom, c.260–660) 38, 43, 44,
78, 235
paintings, as a primary source for environmental
history 28, 30
Paleolithic period 58, 59, 63, 190; climate 25;
demography 248
Pandey, Rajyashree 283
Parhae (North Asian kingdom, 698–926) 38, 41, 42,
43, 44
Parsons, Talcott 2
patriarchy (kafuchōsei) 202, 203, 208, 210, 280; and ie
277–8; see also gender
peasants 128–9; classical period 117, 124, 139; debts
271–2; emancipation of 269; medieval period
264, 265, 266, 267–8; Sengoku period 177;
separation from warriors 180
people’s history (minshūshi) 128
performers 297, 301, 304–6
Perrot, Michelle 275
Perry, Matthew 365
physical environment of Japan 23–4; see also
environmental geography
physics 366
Pigeot, Jacqueline 283
Piggott, Joan R. 194, 196
piracy 142, 145, 148, 172, 391
Pitelka, Morgan 172, 177
place-names, regional 178
plant-gathering 382–3, 384, 386

Pleistocene megafauna extinction 28
pollen analysis 15, 24, 30
pollution 282, 300, 301; ritual 297, 298–9, 301,
304; and urbanization 28; see also outcasts and
marginalized people
polyculture 379–80
Ponsonby-Fane, Richard 159
population studies see demography
positivist/empiricist historians 4
postmodernity, and archaeology 56
pottery: Early Kofun period 74; Jōmon period 27,
55, 56, 59, 60, 61–2, 190; Sengoku period 177;
Yayoi period 191, 192; see also ceramics,
precipitation, historical fluctuations 27–8
prehistoric epoch: archeological subdivisions 6n4;
food production systems 379; historical
geography 15; see also archaic era (c.14,000 bce–
c.700 ce); genshi (“primordial”) age
premodern Japan: definition and scope 1–2; national
boundaries and identity 45–6; periodization
schemes 2–3, 58–9; study of 3–6
primary sources: environmental history 30; Japan’s
relationship with the continent, classical period
46–7; medieval period 166–7; rural life in
medieval period 263–4; Sengoku period 178–9
primordial age see genshi (“primordial”) age
print culture 371n22
privatisation, Heian period 103, 104, 105, 111
“proprietary provinces” (chigyō koku) 105, 126,
proprietor system theory (ryōshusei ron) 311, 312
prostitution 305
provinces: relationship with court in the classical
period 116–29
provincial capitals (kokufu) 18
provincial government system, ritsuryō state 119–21
punishment of criminals 301, 303, 304

Qin dynasty, China (221–206 bce) 354
“quasi-state” 70–1
Queen Mother of the West 194, 236
Quinter, David 302, 303

radiocarbon dating 59–60
Rajōmon, Nara 16
Rambelli, Fabio 239, 336, 340
Ranke, Leopold von 4
ranks and offices, classical period 117–18
regency 100–1, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110–11,
regional history (chiikishi) 392
regional independence 149
regional variation 179
regions, in geography 13
Reischauer, Edwin 39, 44, 171
Reischauer, Robert Karl 4, 87
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