Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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religion: archaic era 187–97; Chinese influence 194,
196, 339–40; doctrinal texts 242–3; Korean
influence 196; medieval period (chūsei) 172,
330–41; Nara (Heijō-kyō) 220, 222; in Nara and
Heian Japan 233–43; vernacular 340
Rennyo (1415–1499) 340
Residential Palace (dairi), Nara 221, 223
resilience 28–9; Jōmon period 62
rice cultivation 27, 268, 377–8, 379, 382, 384, 386;
classical period 122, 123, 124; consumption levels
385; development of 62; and gender 203; in
Japanese culture 380–1; Yayoi period 191–2
Richards, John 29
Rikkokushi (Six National Histories of Japan) 46, 368
Ritsu school of Buddhism 239, 302
ritsuryō state 3, 7n11, 15–16, 38, 82, 100, 144, 218,
220, 225, 233, 234, 353, 356; center–periphery
relations 116–21; compilation of legal codes in
Japan 83–4; development of 89; early Chinese legal
codes 82–3; emperor/aristocracy relationship 88–9;
end of 89–91, 101; evaluation of 91; formation of
84, 86–8; gender and family relationships 205–8;
labor and economy 207–8; Ōmi and Kiyomihara
ryō 85–6; warriors and warfare 312
ritual pollution 297, 298–9, 301, 304
ritual practices see religion
“ritual replacement” 193
rivers 18
roads see transportation system
Roberts, Michael 319
Robinson, Kenneth 176, 177
Robson, James 237
Rokuhara 224, 225
royal-court state 101–5, 110, 116
Ruch, Barbara 177, 234, 275
Ruppert, Brian 166, 233–4, 242
rural life: economic expansion 267–9; medieval
period 17–18, 139, 262–73
rural planning (jōri-sei): classical period 16, 17;
medieval period 17–18
Ryō no gige 206
Ryō no shūge 206
Ryō Susumu 4
ryōshu 139
Ryūhei eibō coinage 358
Ryukyu islands 46, 395, 396

Saga, Emperor (786–842, r. 809–823) 100
Sahara Makoto 251
Saigyō (1118–1190) 332
Saikaidō 121
Saionji Kinmune (1310–1335) 280
Saitō Osamu 256, 257, 258, 259
Sakaehara Towao 356
Sakai Kimi 284
Sakamoto Akira 316
Sakamoto Shōzō 90, 101, 102, 104

Sakamoto Tarō 84
Sakaue Yasutoshi 82–98, 88
Sakeiki 297, 299
sakuhō taisei theory 42
Sakura no Baba, Shiga prefecture 57
Sakurai Eiji 143, 145
Sakurai-Chausu-yama tomb 73
salary fields 300
samurai 139, 140, 177–8, 310; see also bushi; warriors
Sandai jitsuroku (“Veritable Record of Three
Reigns”) 60
sanjo (“scattered places”) 297, 298, 304
Sanjō (Third Street), Nara 16
Sanjōnishi family 282–3
sankaku-buchi-shinju-kyō see bronze mirrors
Sannai Maruyama, Aomori prefecture 60, 191
Sano Shizuyo 18
Sanron school of Buddhism 239, 240
Sansom, George 4, 5, 39, 87
Sasaki Kōmei 71, 381, 383
Sasaki Minoru 316
Sasaki, Ken’ichi 68–81
Satō Denzo 60
Satō Hirō 331, 336
Satō Kenji 109
Satō Makoto 217
Satō Shin’ichi 4, 104, 317, 318
Satō Sōjun 104
Sato, Elizabeth 5
Sawada Goichi 249, 250, 251, 252, 254
science 364, 369–70; Chinese 365–6, 367–9;
definition of 365; issues in history of 365–7;
Sugimoto and Swain’s waves of influence 367–9
Scientific Revolution 366–7
scripture-copying 331
Sea of Japan coastline area 392
sea-lordship 145, 172, 179, 391
Segal, Ethan 353, 391
“segmentary state” 71, 72, 79
Seidel, Anna 236, 237, 238
Seike Akira 203
Seiwa Genji (Minamoto) 106, 313
Seiwa, Emperor (850–880, r. 858–876) 100
Seki Akira 88
Seki Yukihiko 316
Sekiguchi Hiroko 205, 208, 280
“self-redress” (jiriki) 147, 178
Senda Minoru 381
sengoku daimyō 143–5, 172, 174, 175, 176, 179,
Sengoku period (1477–1573/1470–1600) 2, 166,
167, 171–80
serfs 269
Shakadō Mitsuhiro 318
Shakudō, Yamanashi prefecture 191
Shapinksky, Peter D. 172, 179, 391
shell middens 55, 56, 59, 60–1, 63
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