Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Shenlong code 83
Shiba Kayono 338
Shibukawa Shunkai (1639–1715) 364
shifting cultivation 382, 383–4
Shigeta Shin’ichi 221
Shikanoshima, Chikuzen province 63
shiki 128–9, 138, 139
Shikoku 23, 27
Shillony, Ben-Ami 159
Shimazu 396
Shimazu Hisatoyo 396
Shimimihashi 20n11
Shimizu Junzō 60
Shimizu Katsuyuki 175, 178
Shimizu Mitsuo 264
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko 312, 313
Shimoyama Haruhisa 178
shindenzukuri architecture 219
Shingon school of Buddhism 105, 106, 107, 109,
165, 166, 222, 239, 240, 302, 331, 332, 333, 334,
336, 337, 338, 339
Shinran 331, 334, 337, 338
Shinsarugakuki (“New Monkey Music”) 222, 224,
226, 359–60
Shintō 130n15, 187, 189, 193, 194, 196, 234,
238–9, 334, 335–6, 340, 341
shirabyōshi 305, 306
Shiraishi Taichirō 71
Shirakawa, Emperor (1053–1129, r. 1072–1086, in
1086–1129) 104, 105–6, 107, 223, 224, 235, 240
Shirakawa Tetsurō 312
Shitara Hiromi 379
Shitomiya-Kita site 76
shōen (private estates) 102–3, 104, 105, 108, 109,
123, 124, 125–6, 127, 128, 138–9, 167, 172, 175,
176, 220, 221, 311, 313
shōen maps 19
shoen ryōke 126
Shōga famine (1257–1260) 256
Shōgei (1341–1420) 338
Shoku Nihon kōki (“Continued Later Chronicle of
Japan”) 3, 60, 356
Shoku Nihongi (“Continued Chronicle of Japan”) 3,
45, 204, 207, 219
shokunin (“people of skill”) 300
shōmonji 297, 304, 305
Shōmonki (“Tale of Masakado”) 4, 315
Shōmu, Emperor (701–756, r. 724–749) 88, 207,
242, 252, 357
shoryō (land holdings) 126
Shōsōin document collection 91, 251–2, 253, 357–8
Shōtoku, Empress (718–770, r. 749–758) 100
Shōtoku Taishi 84, 120, 196, 235, 336
Shugendō 243
shugo (“provincial constables,” “military governors”)
140, 141, 142, 148, 314; Muromachi period
142–3; Sengoku period 143–4, 174, 175

Shukaku (1150–1202) 331
Shunjō (1166–1213) 334
Shunkan 395
Siebold, Heinrich von 63
Siebold, Philipp von 63
silk weaving 62, 221
Silla 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 85–6
silver coins 354, 355–6; see also coinage in the
classical period
silver mining 353
Simmel, Georg 132n40
Sixth Mass Extinction Event 28
Sjoberg, Gideon 217
Skalnik, Peter 71
Skeki Akira 87
slash-and-burn farming 383–4
slavery 117, 118, 269
smallpox 46, 252–3, 255, 256
Smith, Bardwell 171, 179
Smith, Monica 216–17, 220
Sō family148, 395
sō (village communities) 262, 269–71
social anthropology 127
social history 266, 392; medieval period 172, 175,
177, 179–80
social/women’s history (shakaishiteki joseishi) 281
Soga family 196, 235
Soja, Edward 243
Solomon, Michael 5
Son’ei 108
Son Eiken 43
Song dynasty, China (960–1279): Japan’s
relationship with 38, 40, 41, 45, 47; Kaifeng
capital 217
Sōshō (1202–1278) 334
Southall, Aidan 71, 79
sovereignty, and Buddhism 241
space, in geography 13
Spafford, David 144, 145, 149, 172, 176, 179, 180
“spring hungers” 257–8, 258 , 259
state formation in the Kofun period 68–9;
archaeologists’ contributions 71–3; Early Kofun
period 69, 70, 71, 73–4, 79; historians’
contributions 69–71; Late Kofun period 71,
77–9; Middle Kofun period 74–7, 79
states, attributes of 69, 70
Stavros, Matthew 22, 216, 226, 319
Steenstrup, Carl 5
stone arrowheads 58, 60
stone circles 191
Stone, Jacqueline 332, 334
stoneware 76
storehouses 74
street performers 222, 297, 301, 304–6
succession 208; imperial 100–1, 209; see also family
Sudō Motoma 276
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