
(J-Ad) #1 Saturday, October 12, 2024 7

diversity, equity and inclusion and
social-emotional learning. What is
your view of such programs?

In the simplest and purest form, these
programs are supposed to be about
looking at each person as a unique in-
dividual and treating (or educating) the
whole person. We all have different life
experiences and learning styles, come
from different backgrounds, and have a
variety of traits and characteristics that
are part of who we are. If kept in their
truest form, there should not be a prob-
lem with these programs, and they can
be a way that we learn more about each
other. However, in their extreme forms,
they become about identity politics,
spreading ideologies, and creating vic-
tim or guilt mentalities. These types of
programs do not belong in our schools.
They do more harm than good by teach-
ing people that one aspect or quality of
their lives are their primary identities.
They become divisive and are a waste
of money, which is why schools and
businesses are dropping them.
Name: Jessica Kohn
Occupation: Wealth and Asset
Management-Private Banker

  1. After earning a Business degree
    from Central Michigan University,
    my husband and I made Caledonia our
    home nearly 25 years ago. While just
    20 minutes outside of Grand Rapids,
    Caledonia had a small-town feel and,
    more importantly, an excellent school
    system. Over the years, we’ve seen
    some changes due to new laws and
    standards at the state and national levels,
    but the core values of the community
    remain strong.
    I am running for school board because
    of my deep love and commitment to
    both Caledonia and its schools. This
    community has supported me and my
    family during our darkest times, espe-
    cially after the loss of our 16-year-old
    daughter, and for that, I will always be
    grateful. I have witnessed firsthand the
    positive impact our teachers have had
    on students and am passionate about
    continuing to foster an environment of
    collaboration that ensures our children
    receive the best possible education.
    It would be an honor to serve on
    the school board as I look for ways to
    continue to give back to the community
    that has given so much to my family.
    Some of my priorities include:
    Focusing on the Fundamentals: We

need to maintain high standards of
excellence, ensuring proficiency in
Math, Science, Technology, English,
and History which are all essential for
learning other subjects preparing them
for future careers.
Promote Life Skills and Trades:
Aligning education with real-world
needs prepares students for various
challenges in adult life. Classes in
managing money, time management,
basic home repairs, and cooking are
practical life skills that can be used after
graduation. In addition, not all students
will choose to attend college. We need
to provide career diversification and
accessibility to alternative pathways for
kids that thrive in practical, hands-on
Uphold Fiscal Responsibility: This
means managing money wisely to pro-
vide a quality education while staying
financially healthy. Caledonia needs to
continue budgeting and planning for the
future, ensuring transparent financial
reporting, efficient resource allocation,
and stakeholder involvement. Working
together, I know we can achieve this!

  1. With over 31 years of banking
    experience, I’ve assisted clients with
    financial planning and gained a strong
    understanding of financial statements.
    I’ve also served and volunteered in
    the Caledonia community on various
    boards and committees for the past 25
    Some school related positions in-

  • Parent volunteer in the classroom,
    field trips, PTOs, and various roles

  • Caledonia Education Foundation

  • Caledonia Athletic Boosters

  • Junior Achievement

  • 2024 Senior All-Nighter Fundrais-
    ing Committee

  • Hold Me Back! Mac for the Ma-
    cayla Lee Kohn Scholarship
    Other volunteer activities include:

  • Caledonia Kiwanis

  • Caledonia AMBUCS

  • Ele’s Place Community Board in
    Grand Rapids

  • Brightside Church – Finance Team
    Leader and Worship Team Leader
    I aim to gather facts, listen to differ-
    ent views, and foster cooperation to
    benefit our children. With my banking
    and management background, along
    with my organizational, leadership, and
    listening skills, I’m ready to work hard
    to earn the trust of students, teachers,
    administration, and the community.

  1. The school board plays a vital role
    in ensuring a safe environment for stu-

dents, staff, and the broader school com-
munity. One of its key responsibilities
is policy development, where it focuses
on establishing guidelines for school
safety, covering critical issues like bul-
lying, harassment, discipline, mental
health, and emergency preparedness.
Resource allocation is another crucial
responsibility. The board must ensure
adequate funding is available for secu-
rity measures and staff training. This
includes investing in security systems,
hiring resource officers, and providing
counselors who are well-equipped to
support students, helping them thrive
in a conducive learning environment.
Collaboration with stakeholders is
also essential. The school board needs
to work closely with administrators,
teachers, parents, law enforcement, and
mental health professionals to identify
safety concerns and develop effective
strategies to address them. Teachers, in
particular, play a pivotal role in setting
the tone for their classrooms. They’ve
done an excellent job of creating wel-
coming spaces and building rapport
with students, which helps foster a car-
ing and inclusive learning atmosphere
that supports the well-being of each
Caledonia has recently conducted
sessions that have involved the commu-
nity for feedback. These sessions need
to continue along with an annual review
from a safety and security expert to re-
evaluate and test the security measures
that are in place.

  1. Parents need to stay informed, in-
    volved, and engaged in their children’s
    education and school environment;
    therefore, they play a significant role in
    relation to the board. They should have
    a voice to advocate for transparency,
    communication, parent participation,
    school choice, and opt-out options. Par-
    ents must feel that the board represents
    the community’s values and that poli-
    cies regarding discipline, curriculum,
    and other areas positively impact their
    children’s futures.
    As a board, we need to be accessible to
    parents and the community to listen and
    gather feedback on various issues. This
    can be achieved through email, phone
    calls, and other communication meth-
    ods. Public comment at school board
    meetings should continue to be encour-
    aged. I have been holding open forums
    for parents and community members
    to express their thoughts regarding the
    school and education. Additionally, I
    want to create forums for teachers to
    share their needs in helping our students

Continued from Page 5

succeed. This initiative is something I
would like to continue if elected. I aim
to ensure we can share ideas and solu-
tions from diverse perspectives so we
can work together to develop balanced

  1. I am committed to educate all
    students equally and to do so in a safe
    learning environment to thrive.
    I recognize the Board of Education
    is facing growing student mental health
    issues resulting from the COVID-
    The Federal ESSER funds have been
    depleted with almost no new support
    from the State leaving the district with
    a greater student mental health problem
    within a tight funding environment. My
    goal is to look at how the board can most
    effectively and sustainably address the
    social and emotional student needs and
    keep politics out of the curriculum.
    I will also actively participate in
    policy solutions to bullying, which is
    another social emotional issue students
    and families are dealing with.
    With that, I want to thank you for
    your consideration on electing me to
    the Caledonia Board of Education. If
    you need additional information, please
    See CALEDONIA on 8

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