India\'s Saudi Policy - P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar

(Wang) #1
ANNExURE 4 231

They stressed the fact that during recent years, India’s traditional
relations have developed into a multidimensional relationship with
Saudi Arabia as also with other Arab countries. The two sides reit-
erated their belief that further development of these relations will
be to the mutual benefit of the peoples of both countries on the
basis of equality and mutual respect.

  1. The Crown Prince particularly welcomed the visit of Prime
    Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi to Saudi Arabia at this critical junc-
    ture when the prevailing hostilities and tension in the region posed
    a very grave threat to regional and international peace. The Crown
    Prince and the Prime Minister recognised that the stability and
    security of the Gulf region and that of the Indian sub-continent
    were closely interlinked. In this context they emphasised the need
    and importance of closer and regular contacts as also of deeper
    and more diversified exchanges between India and Saudi Arabia as
    well as with other countries of the region. These would not only
    be to mutual benefit and advantage but would also contribute to
    the strength, security and stability of their respective regions.

  2. The Indian side outlined the recent developments in connection
    with the normalisation of relations amongst the countries of the
    Indian sub-continent and stressed India’s desire to work with all
    her neighbours for achieving peace and harmonious relationship
    in the region. The Saudi side expressed the hope that efforts
    being made by countries in the sub-continent to normalise rela-
    tions will soon lead to an atmosphere of peace, understanding
    and good neighbourliness.

  3. The two sides reviewed developments in regard to the normalisa-
    tion of relations between India and Pakistan initiated by the two
    countries. They underlined the importance of maintaining an
    atmosphere conducive to further negotiations between India and
    Pakistan to attain the objectives of nonaggression and the non-
    use of force through mutually acceptable arrangements. The
    Indian side explained in this context its proposal to conclude a
    treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with Pakistan. It was
    agreed that the consolidation of India and Pakistan relations
    would serve the interests of the peoples of the two countries and
    would contribute to – security, stability and peace in South Asia
    and in the entire region.

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