India\'s Saudi Policy - P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar

(Wang) #1

232 ANNExURE 4

  1. Both sides noted with concern the marked deterioration in the
    international environment, the persistence of unresolved problems,
    and the emergence of tensions in new areas. They emphasized the
    need to strengthen and promote international peace and security
    and reiterated their commitment to the principles and aims of the
    United Nations. They felt that in this field of acute international
    tension, the movement of non-aligned countries and the policy of
    non-alignment play a vital role in the promotion of international
    peace, cooperation and progress. The two sides emphasised the
    need to reassert the role of the Non-aligned Movement as an inde-
    pendent non-bloc factor in international relations and as a positive
    force for the preservation and strengthening of peace and security
    in the world. Both sides expressed the conviction that the Non-
    aligned Movement will be further strengthened at the forthcom-
    ing Summit Meeting scheduled to take place at Baghdad in
    September 1982.

  2. The two sides noted with concern the deteriorating situation in
    West Asia and emphasised that it is a source of grave danger for
    the peace and security of the region and the entire world as well.
    They expressed their deep concern over the situation arising from
    the aggressive acts by Israel and its repeated violations of the reso-
    lutions of the UN and other world bodies. They reiterated their
    firm conviction that a just and durable peace in the Middle East
    can be achieved only on the basis of the immediate and complete
    withdrawal of Israel from all Arab territories occupied by it since
    1967, including Jerusalem; and the restoration of the inalienable
    rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to return to
    their homeland and to establish their independent state. The two
    sides reiterated their full support for the PLO which is the sole
    and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and its par-
    ticipation as a full and equal party in all efforts towards the
    achievement of a just and lasting peace in the region.

  3. The two sides strongly condemned the Israeli actions of annexa-
    tion of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and perpetuation of its
    illegal occupation, as a blatant violation of international laws and
    conventions and a serious threat to world peace. The two sides
    noted with grave concern that despite numerous resolutions
    adopted in the UN by overwhelming majority, Israel persists in its
    acts of illegal occupation and changing the status of the city of

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